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"Learning requires us <strong>to</strong> move beyond w<strong>here</strong> we are now. We must move in<strong>to</strong> unfamiliar,often uncomfortable domains. While we're learning we may even feel uneasy. Inhindsight we may see the experience as productive." (Conner et. al. ibid)Once I moved <strong>to</strong> Canterbury, <strong>and</strong> it was clear that RE-Net could make an ongoing contribution<strong>to</strong> the professional learning of teachers in training, I was able <strong>to</strong> access further support <strong>and</strong>guidance in th<strong>is</strong> new field of activity. The TiTle Unit at CCCU – Technology in Teaching <strong>and</strong>Learning – had been establ<strong>is</strong>hed under the direction of Phil Poole, <strong>to</strong> provide technology supportfor those who wanted <strong>to</strong> develop work in online settings. My need <strong>to</strong> create materials quicklywas met <strong>by</strong> the <strong>to</strong>ols that the TiTLe team were able <strong>to</strong> provide; <strong>to</strong>ols like Html Ass<strong>is</strong>tant <strong>and</strong>Paint Shop Pro. A point of noteworthy reflection <strong>is</strong> pertinent <strong>here</strong>. At no stage did I availmyself of the many training courses that were available for these software packages. Rather, Icontinued <strong>to</strong> use an explora<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>and</strong> heur<strong>is</strong>tic approach <strong>to</strong> learn how <strong>to</strong> use these applications as Ifound that my learning ‘stuck’ more when I had pract<strong>is</strong>ed ‘active experimentation’ (Kolb, 2005)rather than ‘reflective observation’ (Kolb, ibid). As Conner et. al. note,"Self-directed <strong>and</strong> r<strong>is</strong>k-taking learners may forgo th<strong>is</strong> step [learning in classroom contexts]<strong>and</strong> jump in without even knowing why." (Conner et. al., 1996 p. 17)All the while, I was applying strategies <strong>and</strong> techniques developed in the early days of mycomputing experience as shown in IM1. Th<strong>is</strong> I later called ilearning (see IM5) <strong>and</strong> for thepurposes of th<strong>is</strong> study have identified the phenomenon as au<strong>to</strong>/pedagogy. Support for the notioncan be found in the words of Wenger et. al. (2010):"We see learning as an integral part of life. Some<strong>time</strong>s it dem<strong>and</strong>s an effort; <strong>some</strong><strong>time</strong>s it<strong>is</strong> not even our goal. But it always involves who we are, what we do, who we seek <strong>to</strong>connect with, <strong>and</strong> what we aspire <strong>to</strong> become." (Wenger et. al., 2010 p.4)Th<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong> further supported <strong>by</strong> Glaser’s <strong>take</strong> on experiential learning, when he says, “... all learninghas an experiential base.” (Glaser, 2002 p.14)234Simon Hughes Ph.D. Thes<strong>is</strong> (Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2012)

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