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Analys<strong>is</strong>On completing the re-reading of the IMs (appendices 2-6; appendix 1 <strong>is</strong> left as a raw artefact)<strong>and</strong> counting up the instances of each highlight occurring, it <strong>is</strong> interesting that the following dataare returned:HighlightInstances836624180I was surpr<strong>is</strong>ed when I completed th<strong>is</strong> exerc<strong>is</strong>e that the rank order that was produced followedexactly the order in which I wrote down the questions in the tu<strong>to</strong>rial with Glynn. <strong>It</strong> suggests thatpeople had a significant impact on my professional learning - in educational technology terms,they were pedagogical agents. Learning appears <strong>to</strong> be nearly three <strong>time</strong>s more frequent athought than the <strong>time</strong>s or places about which I wrote.Th<strong>is</strong> also suggests that I was not at all thinking of the reasons why I did <strong>some</strong>thing or consciousof why it occurred. I do not appear <strong>to</strong> attribute any causality in the IMs, other than need. Giventhat I had already decided <strong>to</strong> explore the IMs <strong>by</strong> the themes of the emerging framework, it <strong>is</strong>convenient that the next section begins with an analys<strong>is</strong> of what each IM evinced about 'need'.Most striking <strong>is</strong> that the reflections in section 4.1 (a-e@t 1 ) are much more conscious of theimpact of N-ness, which may be prec<strong>is</strong>ely because they are written at more like t 1.5 when theframework was embedding in my mind. Th<strong>is</strong> analys<strong>is</strong>, which I hither<strong>to</strong> alluded <strong>to</strong> as a-e@t 2 ,might be more reasonably described as a-e@t 3 . In other words a third stage removed from theincidents themselves with the reflections at 4.1 much more theoretically-imbued than I wanted <strong>to</strong>believe.227Simon Hughes Ph.D. Thes<strong>is</strong> (Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2012)

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