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4.1.5 Reflection on IM5"As well as being the greatest invention since, oh, that round thing that cars tend <strong>to</strong> havefour of, or those thin slivers of bread that come in packets, the iPod <strong>is</strong> also obviously athing of beauty. And I think I am beginning <strong>to</strong> fall in love. Seriously..." (Jones, 2005 p. 4)T<strong>here</strong> would be no IM5 without the iPod. Reflections on IM3 set out in 4.1.3, show thebeginnings of a series of thoughts that led <strong>to</strong> the d<strong>is</strong>semination of the concept of i n PD around2006 58 . A benchmark for the start of these reflections <strong>is</strong> provided <strong>by</strong> the abstract of the paperpubl<strong>is</strong>hed <strong>by</strong> ICCE (2006);"Th<strong>is</strong> paper seeks <strong>to</strong> enunciate a theoretical framework for i-enabled ContinuingProfessional Development (CPD). <strong>It</strong> deliberately avoids the metaphorical application ofthe prefix 'e', <strong>to</strong> symbol<strong>is</strong>e a more hol<strong>is</strong>tic approach <strong>to</strong> professional development than <strong>is</strong>currently afforded <strong>by</strong> assumptions in e-learning. Drawing on the Apple Macin<strong>to</strong>sh TMmetaphor of 'i' approaches <strong>to</strong> life (iTunes, iMovie, iPod etc), it plays with the morepersonal contiguities of 'I'-ness. <strong>It</strong> extrapolates from the post-modern concept of the 'self',which can be seen <strong>to</strong> be central <strong>to</strong> all personal development activities <strong>and</strong> then exploreswhat it might mean w<strong>here</strong> <strong>some</strong> of the fac<strong>to</strong>rs 59 identified <strong>here</strong>, interactive, intelligent,international <strong>and</strong> integrated are <strong>take</strong>n <strong>to</strong> be critical in effective professional development."(Hughes, 2006)The citing of my own work could, on reflection, be regarded as a vanity. I think not. Theinclusion of such material <strong>is</strong> in keeping with the au<strong>to</strong>/biographic method of the study. Here Ihave an authentic statement of the evolution of my thinking at the very moment which th<strong>is</strong>illustration <strong>is</strong> trying <strong>to</strong> excavate for meaning. Th<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong> as close <strong>to</strong> being an artefact e@t 0 as theh<strong>and</strong> written journal that <strong>is</strong> appendix 1. <strong>It</strong> comes direct from the professional context in which Iwas working <strong>and</strong> <strong>is</strong>, at worst, e@t 1 . That <strong>is</strong>, it represents the output of structured thoughtprocesses as a genuine attempt <strong>to</strong> say <strong>some</strong>thing new.58 <strong>It</strong> <strong>is</strong> again, a fact of h<strong>is</strong><strong>to</strong>ry that I was not able <strong>to</strong> attend ICCE, 2006 which was in Beijing, China but a paper Isubmitted was peer-reviewed, accepted <strong>and</strong> was publ<strong>is</strong>hed in the proceedings <strong>and</strong> <strong>is</strong> still available online (seeHughes, 2006).59 The use of the word 'fac<strong>to</strong>rs' explains my adoption of it as the term for defining the character<strong>is</strong>tics of learning inthe zone of optimal au<strong>to</strong>/pedagogy216Simon Hughes Ph.D. Thes<strong>is</strong> (Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2012)

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