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eviewed as simple narratives in order <strong>to</strong> refine the questions I would need <strong>to</strong> ask of them albeitself-referentially, <strong>and</strong> in the quiet of my own imaginings (Moustakas, 1994 p. 25). In addition,in very simple terms the following questions emerged as a schema: Who? What? When? W<strong>here</strong>?Why? To these almost journal<strong>is</strong>tic type questions I added, “what influence did these illustrativemoments have on: a) learners, b) the professional context <strong>and</strong> c) myself.I then posed of them two further questions:• What new knowledge or underst<strong>and</strong>ing did I derive from these incidents about myself<strong>and</strong> technology?• What influence did these events have on my career trajec<strong>to</strong>ry?To ass<strong>is</strong>t the reflexive approaches <strong>to</strong> these ‘objects’, I applied Gutierrez’s (1971) ‘hermeneuticcircle’ (see above) which required me <strong>to</strong> examine them in the light of theoretical perspectives, <strong>to</strong>review what impact such reading had on my underst<strong>and</strong>ing of what had occurred <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong> evaluatethe interrelationship of these empirical enquiries <strong>to</strong> the evolution of my own personal knowledgebase <strong>and</strong> evolutionary career pathway. Th<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong> my adaptation of the ‘dialogical, dynamic,cyclical, reflexive’ approach advocated <strong>by</strong> West <strong>and</strong> Carlson (2007).Indeed, the selection of those experiences represented a significant series of actions of selfawareness<strong>and</strong> critical reflection albeit subjective <strong>and</strong> personal.168Simon Hughes Ph.D. Thes<strong>is</strong> (Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2012)

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