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3.1.2: Phenomenological underpinningsPut simply, phenomenology <strong>is</strong> the study of phenomena which includes both objects <strong>and</strong> subjectsbut it <strong>is</strong> also the intellectual domain w<strong>here</strong> subject can be object <strong>and</strong> vice versa (see Natanson,1970: Sokolowski, 2000; Russell, 2007). Arguably, the doyen of phenomenological researchprocesses <strong>is</strong> Clark Moustakas, he writes,“The methods that are central include: growing quiet <strong>and</strong> l<strong>is</strong>tening; coming <strong>to</strong> an inwardclearing; connecting with a dominant question, <strong>is</strong>sue, or concern, related <strong>to</strong> a specificperson (including one’s self), or a situation or an event; describing the experience;determining the qualities, invariant constituents <strong>and</strong> core themes; considering possiblemeanings; <strong>and</strong> arriving at an underst<strong>and</strong>ing of the essences of those experiences.”(Moustakas, 1994 p. 63)To be clear, th<strong>is</strong> thes<strong>is</strong> focuses on the essences of the five illustrative moments that constitute theobjects of the research. I want <strong>to</strong> argue that prior <strong>to</strong> engaging in the structured analys<strong>is</strong> of themoments, t<strong>here</strong> seems <strong>to</strong> be <strong>some</strong>thing 'essential' between them that transcends the <strong>time</strong> span<strong>and</strong> connects them up as parts of a constituent whole; <strong>some</strong>thing that I want <strong>to</strong> explore,underst<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> develop. At th<strong>is</strong> stage that shared 'essence' would seem <strong>to</strong> be the N-ness of theframework.Central <strong>to</strong> phenomenological methods <strong>is</strong> the self. My intention <strong>is</strong> thus <strong>to</strong> excavate systematicallymy own au<strong>to</strong>biography, but with a narrow focus on the five critical incidents (phenomena), asillustrative moments – things that Moustakas calls, ‘experiences’ (Moustakas ibid). Myselection of these experiences comes from reflexive processes that have suggested they wereimportant miles<strong>to</strong>nes on my professional learning journey. To aid th<strong>is</strong> process I intend <strong>to</strong>approach them in the ‘philosophical attitude’ as described <strong>by</strong> Natanson (1970) <strong>and</strong> Sokolowski(2000) so that each of these <strong>is</strong> seen as a ‘moment’ in the ‘whole’ of my life <strong>and</strong> its146Simon Hughes Ph.D. Thes<strong>is</strong> (Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2012)

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