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thes<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong> working. Though an apparent interruption <strong>to</strong> the flow of th<strong>is</strong> chapter, it seemsimportant <strong>to</strong> <strong>take</strong> <strong>time</strong> <strong>to</strong> explore the character<strong>is</strong>tics of each N more fully.Need'Necessity who <strong>is</strong> the mother of invention' (Pla<strong>to</strong>, 2004)The pla<strong>to</strong>nic axiom, rehearsed above, <strong>is</strong> directly relevant, in my experience <strong>to</strong> the context oftechnology-learning. I have observed that human beings only learn technologies when they need<strong>to</strong>. To reinforce th<strong>is</strong> point h<strong>is</strong><strong>to</strong>rically, the Turing Machine, one of the precursors <strong>to</strong> modern PCswas the direct output <strong>and</strong> outcome of the Brit<strong>is</strong>h need <strong>to</strong> find a way <strong>to</strong> crack the codes generated<strong>by</strong> the German military during the second world war (Hodges, 1992); its invention was theproduct of extensive research <strong>and</strong> application of mathematical <strong>and</strong> logical principles. In section2.2, sources quoted suggest that the kind of profound learning that underpins such an invention<strong>is</strong> the case when ‘a self notes that it has a self-referential reason for study’.As indicated above, the origins of th<strong>is</strong> can also be found in the theories of Freud (1923) <strong>and</strong>Maslow (1943). I have witnessed many education professionals become childlike whenconfronted with a new technology, especially if they perceive no need <strong>to</strong> learn <strong>to</strong> use it. The'data d<strong>is</strong>asters' I referred <strong>to</strong> above can become psychological blockers for selves, as in thatmoment described in the context of music <strong>by</strong> Green <strong>and</strong> Gallwey (1986). The narrative of th<strong>is</strong>thes<strong>is</strong> (appendix 2) begins with my urgent need <strong>to</strong> learn <strong>to</strong> use a computer properly because Ihad said that I could. I had no way out <strong>and</strong> was at r<strong>is</strong>k of committing professional suicide if Idid not meet the challenge I had set for myself.Another approach <strong>to</strong> justifying the inclusion of need in the emerging framework comes from theliberation<strong>is</strong>t foundations of much of my pre-ex<strong>is</strong>ting knowledge base. Gutierrez (1971) <strong>and</strong>78Simon Hughes Ph.D. Thes<strong>is</strong> (Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2012)

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