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suite in<strong>to</strong> a 'programme' which started with a thorough-going needs analys<strong>is</strong>. Materials wouldthen be provided <strong>to</strong> those whose 'audits' indicated specific learning needs. Since all of thematerial was provided as '<strong>download</strong>s', I am able <strong>to</strong> warrant that we had paid attention <strong>to</strong> thenotion of network, in th<strong>is</strong> case, as a noun. Moreover, many of the materials provided weredesigned <strong>to</strong> be used <strong>by</strong> professionals in analogous learning scenarios. A second example of theconscious operation of the framework <strong>is</strong> in more recent work under<strong>take</strong>n in response <strong>to</strong> thearchiving of the RE-Net website, along with its parent, the TTRB, <strong>and</strong> its older brothers <strong>and</strong>s<strong>is</strong>ters, multiverse, Citized, <strong>and</strong> behaviour4learning. In appendix 5, I point <strong>to</strong> the creation ofvideo materials for RE-Net <strong>and</strong> for the TTRB. I also reference th<strong>is</strong> technological activity invignette 5 (p. 125). The clamour (N 1 ) for the re-publication of these materials in September2011, from colleagues in the religious education HE community was sufficiently strong <strong>to</strong>prompt me <strong>to</strong> util<strong>is</strong>e <strong>some</strong> pre-ex<strong>is</strong>ting webspace (N 2 ) <strong>and</strong> host them t<strong>here</strong>, public<strong>is</strong>e th<strong>is</strong> throughthe Save RE facebook community (N 3 ) <strong>and</strong> watch now as others use them in their owndifferentiated settings (N 4 ). Reflecting on that last point inclines me <strong>to</strong> argue that th<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong> ametaphor for the very thing about which I am talking. T<strong>here</strong> <strong>will</strong> be students of RE, who I donot know <strong>and</strong> am very likely never <strong>to</strong> meet who <strong>will</strong> benefit from my pedagogical agencyafforded <strong>to</strong> them through the medium of the internet. I would argue that if they make thepersonal commitment <strong>to</strong> finding my website, <strong>download</strong>ing the objects, viewing them, <strong>and</strong>reflecting on what they have learned t<strong>here</strong> <strong>and</strong> acting on it in their practice, they <strong>will</strong> haveunconsciously engaged in au<strong>to</strong>/pedagogy.Th<strong>is</strong>, I now argue, signifies an underlying <strong>and</strong> enduring logic in both the framework <strong>and</strong> theprocess. In IM5, even though I now realize that my thinking was muddled, I was edging<strong>to</strong>wards the adoption of a framework for teachers' professional learning in the 21st Century. Iwas aware that t<strong>here</strong> were <strong>some</strong> necessary character<strong>is</strong>tics that would be evident in each278Simon Hughes Ph.D. Thes<strong>is</strong> (Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2012)

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