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Examining texts written around the middle section of the <strong>time</strong> frame for th<strong>is</strong> study, from around1996 <strong>to</strong> 2006, it <strong>is</strong> clear that the concern of authors was how technology could be used <strong>to</strong> enablecollaboration, co-operation <strong>and</strong> constructiv<strong>is</strong>t approaches <strong>to</strong> learning. Coll<strong>is</strong> (1996) notes,"Educationally t<strong>here</strong> <strong>is</strong> a growing movement <strong>to</strong>ward acknowledging the value ofcooperative work <strong>and</strong> computer-supported cooperative work <strong>is</strong> a multid<strong>is</strong>ciplinarygrowth area." (Coll<strong>is</strong>, 1996 p. 406)She goes on <strong>to</strong> say,"Interconnectivity <strong>and</strong> integration also refer <strong>to</strong> the movement <strong>to</strong>ward regardingcomputer use as an integrated part of the educational environment integrated interms of computer application in traditional subject areas, but also in terms ofcomputers as a catalyst <strong>to</strong> stimulate more integration of subject areas." (Coll<strong>is</strong>, ibid)Kearsley was the first author I came across who systematically tried <strong>to</strong> map the emergingl<strong>and</strong>scape of the potential uses of technology in education (see Kearsley, 2000). Writing aroundthe turn of the century he introduced me <strong>to</strong> terms like MultiUserDomains (MUDs) <strong>and</strong> MultiUser Interfaces (MUIs) (Kearsley, 2000). <strong>It</strong> <strong>is</strong> more than coincidence that one of the mostwidely adopted so-called virtual learning environments <strong>is</strong> MOODLE (Modular Object-OrientedDynamic Learning Environment). MOODLE <strong>is</strong> a multi user domain in that many people can beinside a virtual learning environment (VLE) all at the same <strong>time</strong> <strong>and</strong> it <strong>is</strong> supported <strong>by</strong> a userinterface that allows for many people <strong>to</strong> operate it synchronously 25 . <strong>It</strong> could be argued that afully-functioning VLE <strong>is</strong> the current technological zenith of a learning network (N 3 )H<strong>is</strong><strong>to</strong>rically, it was a small matter of months before practitioners in the field had started <strong>to</strong>condense such apparently complex phenomena in<strong>to</strong> short h<strong>and</strong> terms like e-learning (see25 Gillespie, Boul<strong>to</strong>n, Hramiak <strong>and</strong> Williamson (2007), base a whole book for teachers in training on the assumptionthat MOODLE <strong>will</strong> be the virtual learning environment they <strong>will</strong> have <strong>to</strong> use when they arrive in schools. In theperiod from about 2004 <strong>to</strong> the present day, schools have invested significantly in VLEs. In that <strong>time</strong> I haveexperienced professionally, Fronter, Frog <strong>and</strong> RM's Kaleidos, none of which are significantly better in terms ofaffordances (see Coll<strong>is</strong> above or Wenger, White <strong>and</strong> Smith, above) than Moodle (Now that MOODLE has beenturned in<strong>to</strong> a global phenomenon, its accronym has been adopted as a br<strong>and</strong> name <strong>and</strong> thus it <strong>is</strong> appropriate <strong>to</strong> usefrom <strong>here</strong> on the normal case spelling.93Simon Hughes Ph.D. Thes<strong>is</strong> (Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2012)

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