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Reflecting on my reasons for wanting <strong>to</strong> move schools in 1989, inclines me <strong>to</strong> suggest that t<strong>here</strong>was a personal need <strong>to</strong> prove myself as a professional. Reflecting on th<strong>is</strong> in the light ofMaslow's hierarchy of needs would suggest that my motivation had <strong>some</strong>thing <strong>to</strong> do with'esteem needs' (see. e.g. Maslow, 1943). Whilst I believe I needed more money <strong>and</strong> a hike incareer, that <strong>is</strong> probably not true – the family was surviving w<strong>here</strong> we were (in accordance withMaslow's 'physiological' <strong>and</strong> 'social' needs see e.g. Maslow ibid). 'Achievement motivation' <strong>and</strong>'ambition' had been driving forces in my dec<strong>is</strong>ion <strong>to</strong> apply in the first place.Reflections on the 'Can You Use a Computer?' incident, written up as IM1, indicate that I wasaware of the challenge I had set myself inadvertently <strong>by</strong> making what appears now <strong>to</strong> be, at thevery least, an impetuous claim <strong>to</strong> computer proficiency. Viewed deon<strong>to</strong>logically th<strong>is</strong> claimcould be seen as mendacious. Viewing it ethically 'a posteriori', in keeping with theep<strong>is</strong>temological method of the study, it can be evaluated as an act from which great happinesswas subsequently derived 63 . <strong>It</strong> certainly triggered a number of events, themselves based aroundneeds <strong>and</strong> motivations.Above all I needed access <strong>to</strong> a computer, in order <strong>to</strong> make any progress with my self-pacedlearning. I had seen the potential of word-processing <strong>and</strong> was aware of the growing up<strong>take</strong> inschools. Technology was becoming ubiqui<strong>to</strong>us across society <strong>and</strong> <strong>some</strong> schools had embraced itas both an admin<strong>is</strong>trative <strong>and</strong> learning <strong>to</strong>ol. I was pretty sure that I would be unlikely <strong>to</strong> getfunding for out of school learning. I was also clear, in any case, that beginning a new role,would require me <strong>to</strong> focus on the day job in order <strong>to</strong> be seen <strong>to</strong> be making a difference. Thus I63 <strong>It</strong> could be evaluated as an act of moral rectitude when measured against John Stuart Mill’s utilitarian ‘hedoniccalculus’ (see. Mill, 1996)230Simon Hughes Ph.D. Thes<strong>is</strong> (Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2012)

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