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<strong>and</strong> rev<strong>is</strong>ing their ideas <strong>and</strong> m<strong>is</strong>conceptions. Such activity involves collaboration,with occasional competition, among students. Collaborative environments canencourage the knowledge construction model for lasting learning.' (Sprague <strong>and</strong>Dede 1999 p.8)Sprague <strong>and</strong> Dede (1999 ibid) acknowledge the contribution of Jonassen's (1996) importantwork in th<strong>is</strong> area <strong>and</strong> h<strong>is</strong> influence on the development of their pedagogic approach. Writingfrom a different perspective Wenger, White <strong>and</strong> Smith (2009) write, 'The close, voluntarycollaboration in communities enables their members <strong>to</strong> invent <strong>and</strong> share new uses for thetechnologies at their d<strong>is</strong>posal. Communities often play a key role in the d<strong>is</strong>semination <strong>and</strong>appropriation of new technologies.' (Wenger, White <strong>and</strong> Smith, 2009 p. 12) In all cases whatseems <strong>to</strong> be the case <strong>is</strong> that computers provide collaboration <strong>and</strong> communication <strong>to</strong>ols whichlend themselves well <strong>to</strong> knowledge-construction. Somekh (see e.g. 2007 30 ) <strong>is</strong> pre-eminent indescribing these phenomena as 'affordances'.A brief examination of the 'Facebook Effect' (see Kirkpatrick, 2010) illustrates th<strong>is</strong> point well asusers of th<strong>is</strong> global technological aid <strong>to</strong> interactivity affords its users communication,collaboration <strong>and</strong> the construction of knowledge. My first encounter with a 'facebook' was onthe second cohort of Teach First in 2004. In that iteration, digital pho<strong>to</strong>s were <strong>take</strong>n of all staff<strong>and</strong> participants <strong>and</strong> turned in<strong>to</strong> an electronic document with brief résumés 31 of each personadded, so that we all would know who each other was. <strong>It</strong> was little surpr<strong>is</strong>e <strong>to</strong> me that withintwo years of th<strong>is</strong> phenomenon, I became aware of an online solution emanating from Palo Al<strong>to</strong>,California that was becoming widely available across campuses. Th<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong> itself a microcosm ofthe fourth ' N 4 ' of the emerging framework, an ex<strong>is</strong>ting idea applied in a new technolog<strong>is</strong>edsetting.30 Somekh (2007) <strong>is</strong> a compendium of the most recent expression of her thoughts, re-publ<strong>is</strong>hing aspects of her workfrom the late 1990s.31 The use of the US Engl<strong>is</strong>h term has been adopted <strong>to</strong> account for the North American origins of th<strong>is</strong> programme.98Simon Hughes Ph.D. Thes<strong>is</strong> (Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2012)

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