By Way of Deception

By Way of Deception

By Way of Deception

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BY WAY OF DECEPTION 101fully fitting a second "false" panel. You simply lifted the glass andmoved the top piece <strong>of</strong> wood. It was readily accessible, and a placewhere few people would think to look.We also agreed on a special knock — the standard two knocks,then one knock, two knocks, one knock — to signal that it wasone <strong>of</strong> our own at the door. Before returning to the apartment, wewould call and give a coded message. Or, if nobody was home, theall-clear signal was a yellow towel hanging on a clothesline outsidethe kitchen balcony.The mood was terrific. We felt as if we were walking on air. Wewere doing real work, even if it was still only training.Before Kauly left that day, we had prepared our plans forapproaching our subjects and gathering information about them.Since they had addresses, observation was the first step. And so,Avigdor went to watch Harari's house for me, while I went to watchArik's assigned contact, the man who owned a company calledBukis Toys.All I had on Harari was his name and address. He wasn't in thephone book. However, at the library, I found Harari listed in theWho's Who for Israel. There was little background, only that hewas president <strong>of</strong> Migdal Insurance, one <strong>of</strong> the largest such firms inthe country, with headquarters near a district called Hakirya.Many government buildings are located there. The entry indicatedalso that Harari's wife worked as a librarian at the Tel Avivuniversity.I decided to apply for a job with Migdal Insurance. I was sent totheir manpower department and, waiting in line, watched a man<strong>of</strong> about my own age working in a nearby <strong>of</strong>fice. I heard anotheremployee call him "Yakov."I got up, walked over to the <strong>of</strong>fice, and said, "Yakov?" "Yes. Whoare you?" he asked."I'm Simon. I remember you. We were at Tel Hashomer," I saidreferring to the main military recruitment base where all Israelisgo."What year were you there?" he asked.Instead <strong>of</strong> answering him directly, I said, "I'm a 203," the start <strong>of</strong> aserial number that represents a recruiting segment <strong>of</strong> time, ratherthan a specific year or month."I'm a 203, too," said Yakov.

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