By Way of Deception

By Way of Deception

By Way of Deception

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88 BY WAY OF DECEPTIONswer you get if you ask is: "So what's the worst that could happento those Jews? They'd all come to Israel? Great."Katsas in the stations are in charge <strong>of</strong> the sayanim, and mostactive sayanim will be visited by a katsa once every three monthsor so, which for the katsa usually means between two and fourface-to-face meetings a day with sayanim, along with numeroustelephone conversations. The system allows the Mossad to workwith a skeleton staff. That's why, for example, a KGB stationwould employ about 100 people, while a comparable Mossadstation would need only six or seven.People make the mistake <strong>of</strong> thinking the Mossad is at adisadvantage by not having stations in obvious target countries.The United States, for example, has a station in Moscow and theRussians have stations in Washington and New York. But Israeldoesn't have a station in Damascus. They don't understand thatthe Mossad regards the whole world outside Israel as a target,including Europe and the United States. Most <strong>of</strong> the Arabcountries don't manufacture their own weapons. Most don't havehigh-level military colleges, for example. If you want to recruit aSyrian diplomat, you don't have to do that in Damascus. You cando it in Paris. If you want data on an Arab missile, you get that inParis or London or the United States where it is made. You can getless information on Saudi Arabia from the Saudis themselves thanyou can from the Americans. What do the Saudis have? AWACs.Those are Boeing, and Boeing's American. What do you need theSaudis for? The total recruitment in Saudi Arabia during my timewith the Institute was one attaché in the Japanese embassy. Thatwas it.And if you want to get to the senior <strong>of</strong>ficers, they study in Englandor the United States. Their pilots train in England, France, and theUnited States. Their commandos train in Italy and France. Youcan recruit them there. It's easier and it's less dangerous.Ran S. also taught his class about "white agents," individualsbeing recruited, either by covert or direct means, who may or maynot know they are working for Israel. They are always non-Arabsand usually more sophisticated in techni-

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