By Way of Deception

By Way of Deception

By Way of Deception

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184 BY WAY OF DECEPTIONwanted to meet, but he didn't have much time because he had tohead for the airport. He was near the Roosevelt Metro station, sohe was instructed to take the next train as far as Place deConcorde and walk in a certain direction, repeating in a differentway the earlier security precautions.They wanted to see him in a hotel room, but here again theseemingly simple act <strong>of</strong> renting a room is anything but simple inthe spy business. To begin with, you need two adjoining rooms,with a camera monitoring the meeting room, and two armedsecurity men sitting beside the adjoining room's door ready toburst in should the agent make a move toward the katsa. Thekatsa would also be given a room key in advance so that hewouldn't have to waste time at the front desk.Because Akbar had to catch an airplane to Rome, he didn't havemuch time, so the hotel meeting was abandoned and he waspicked up as he walked down the street. He said that, whateverthe operation was, it involved something technical, someequipment that had to be smuggled into Italy. This seeminglyinnocuous bit <strong>of</strong> intelligence would prove to be a key element lateron in putting the puzzle together. Because this operation belongedto the Paris station, it was also decided to send a katsa to Rome toact as Akbar's contact.Two security people were then assigned to drive Akbar to theairport. Both, as it happened, were katsas because <strong>of</strong> a shortage <strong>of</strong>available security people at the time. One <strong>of</strong> them, Itsik, laterbecame one <strong>of</strong> my teachers in the Mossad Academy. But hisactions this day were no model for katsas to emulate. Quite theopposite.*Because they were coming from a secured meeting in a securedcar, Itsik and his partner felt they were clean. Still, regulations saythat katsas don't hang around airports for fear <strong>of</strong> being seen andperhaps recognized later in another operation at another airport,or elsewhere. Nor do they ever break cover without cleansing theterritory first.On arrival at Orly airport, one katsa went to a cafeteria for c<strong>of</strong>fee,while the other took Akbar to the ticket counter and* See Chapter 7: HAIRPIECE

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