By Way of Deception

By Way of Deception

By Way of Deception

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180 BY WAY OF DECEPTIONvenge himself, but "not on Cyprus, not in Israel, and not in theoccupied territories," a clear warning that he planned aninternational escalation <strong>of</strong> the battle <strong>of</strong> terrorists. Altogether, theMossad killed about a dozen Black September members in Meir'swar <strong>of</strong> revenge.To further make its point, the Mossad began running obituaries inlocal Arab newspapers <strong>of</strong> suspected terrorists who were still alive.Others received anonymous letters detailing intimate knowledge <strong>of</strong>their private lives, especially sex-related activities, advising them toleave town. In addition, many Arabs were injured in Europe andthe Middle East when they opened Mossad-made letter bombs.Although the Mossad would have it otherwise, many innocentbystanders were also hurt in this campaign <strong>of</strong> revenge.But the PLO, also, had been mailing letter bombs: to Israeli<strong>of</strong>ficials around the world and to prominent Jewish figures, theletters bearing Amsterdam postmarks. On September 19, 1972,Ami Shachori, 44, an agricultural counselor in Israel's Londonembassy, died instantly when he opened one. A number <strong>of</strong> widelyreported hits on Mossad men at the time were actually what iscalled "white noise": the chaff that gets into the newspapers, much<strong>of</strong> it planted by the Mossad itself to add confusion to the publicrecord. A classic example occurred on January 26, 1973, whenIsraeli businessman Moshe Hanan Yshai (later reported to beMossad katsa Baruch Cohen, 37) was gunned down in Madrid'sbusiest street, the Gran Via, by a Black September terrorist hewas supposedly tracking. He was not, in fact, tracking anyone.That was merely what the Mossad wanted people to think.Another example was the November 1972 death <strong>of</strong> Syrianjournalist Khodr Kanou, 36, said to be a double agent, shot deadin his apartment doorway in Paris because Black Septemberbelieved he was passing on information about their activities to theMossad. He wasn't. But that's the way his murder was reported inthe media. While much is written about double agents, very fewactually exist. Those who do have to be in a stable bureaucraticenvironment in order to function in such a role.

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