By Way of Deception

By Way of Deception

By Way of Deception

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BY WAY OF DECEPTION 199dicating war preparation had been missed. With only about 35 or40 active katsas operating in the world at any given time,concentrating on covering the activities <strong>of</strong> the PLO — withthousands <strong>of</strong> people in its many factions — could preoccupy thewhole force and create a serious gap in the monitoring <strong>of</strong> Israel'sother major enemies.In any event, LAP invented a cover story for the Italians to makepublic, at the same time telling the British, French, and U.S.intelligence agencies what had really happened. There is a rule inintelligence called the "third party rule": if, for example, theMossad gives information to the CIA because the two have a goodworking relationship, the CIA cannot pass the information on to athird party, because it came from another intelligence agency. Ofcourse the rule can be circumvented by simply paraphrasing some<strong>of</strong> the information and then passing it along.At the time <strong>of</strong> the Rome airport incident and subsequent cover-up,the Mossad frequently supplied the CIA with lists <strong>of</strong> Russianmilitary equipment being sent to Egypt and Syria, including theseries numbers <strong>of</strong> weapons and individual serial numbers. Thepurpose was tw<strong>of</strong>old: to make the Mossad look good because theycould obtain this information, and to help confirm a military buildup.This would assist the CIA in convincing the U.S. governmentto increase its support to Israel. The CIA couldn't tell Congresswhere they got this information, but it did, however, confirm thesame information being given to Congress by the Jewish lobbygroups.The Americans already considered. Libya's Moamer al Kadhafi adangerous lunatic, and in the mid-1970s the whole world seemedto be in turmoil, with little terrorist revolutionary groups springingup everywhere. There was Action Directe in France, the Baader-Meinh<strong>of</strong> gang in Germany, the Japanese Red Army, the ItalianRed Brigade (who murdered Prime Minister Aldo Moro in 1978),the Basque ETA in Spain (which claimed to have murderedSpanish premier Carrero Blanco in 1974), and about five differentPalestinian organizations. Even in the United States there were theWeathermen and the Symbionese Liberation Army — the 1974kidnappers <strong>of</strong> heiress Patricia Hearst.

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