By Way of Deception

By Way of Deception

By Way of Deception

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BY WAY OF DECEPTION 281with a copy <strong>of</strong> the transcript to deliver to Israel's ambassador tothe UN, Yehuda Blum, a Czechoslovakian-born expert oninternational law.H<strong>of</strong>i did not want news <strong>of</strong> the meeting to leak to the media. Heparticularly didn't want to burn the setup in New York. He arguedthat Begin could achieve more by going to the administration andtalking to them — the same approach they had taken after MiltonWolf's meeting with the PLO in Vienna. H<strong>of</strong>i said it wouldn't begood politics in the United States to hurt Young, who was popularamong the blacks, and anyway, they could get more concessionsfrom the Americans by working it out behind the scenes.But Begin wasn't interested in diplomacy. He wanted blood. "Iwant it out," he said. They agreed there was no point in letting outall the information, thereby running the risk <strong>of</strong> burning thesource, and so Newsweek magazine was told simply that Youngand Terzi had met. That, <strong>of</strong> course, sparked a query to the StateDepartment, and Young was asked for an explanation. His firstversion was that he had been out for a walk with his son anddecided to stop in to see Bishara where, to his surprise, he hadmet Terzi. He said the two men were involved in "15 or 20 minutes<strong>of</strong> social amenities," but nothing more.Secretary Vance, flying back from Ecuador, was cabled Young'sexplanation. Relieved that it was simply a chance encounter,Vance authorized State Department spokesman, Tom Reston, torelease Young's version at noon, Monday, August 13.Once the whole thing seemed to be blowing over, the Mossadarranged for rumors to be leaked to Young that if he thought Israelwas going to be quiet about this, he was gravely mistaken.Concerned, Young requested, and got, a meeting with YehudaBlum that lasted two hours. He did not know that Blum had thetranscript <strong>of</strong> his meeting with Bishara and Terzi. Because <strong>of</strong> that,Blum was able to get Young to admit far more than he had toldthe State Department.Blum was not that crazy about Young in the first place. In most <strong>of</strong>his reports, Young did not get high praise. But Blum

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