By Way of Deception

By Way of Deception

By Way of Deception

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282 BY WAY OF DECEPTIONwas an experienced diplomat. Because he had the transcripts andknew exactly what had happened, he was able to extract the story.That meant they could use Young as the source, so they would nothave to expose the fact that they already knew everything.Young, who still thought Israel's main intention was to get thenegotiations going, didn't know he was being set up. After themeeting with Blum, and Young's admissions, the U.S.ambassador to Israel was called by Begin and given a formalcomplaint. That complaint went to the ambassador and to themedia at about the same time to make sure it didn't get lost in theshuffle.<strong>By</strong> 7 a.m. on August 14, an urgent cable from the U.S. embassy inIsrael to Washington was on Vance's desk, outlining what theIsraelis claimed Young had told Blum, which was considerably atodds with what Young had told the State Department, and whatthey in turn had told the media the day before. Vance went to theWhite House and told Carter that Young had to resign. Cartertentatively agreed, but said he wanted to "sleep on it."Young arrived at the White House family quarters at 10 a.m. thenext morning, August 15, 1979, carrying his letter <strong>of</strong> resignationwith him. After a 90-minute session, he left for a while, thenrejoined Carter. They went into Hamilton Jordan's <strong>of</strong>fice, wheresenior White House staffers had gathered. With Carter's armaround his shoulder, Young told his friends he had resigned. Twohours later, Press Secretary Jody Powell, barely able to keep hiscomposure, announced that, sadly, Young was resigning.U.S. peace envoy Strauss, on the plane to the Middle East, said,"The Young affair .. . reinforces the unfounded suspicions that theUnited States is dealing in the dark with the PLO."Young later tried to defend his actions, saying, "I did not lie, Ididn't tell all <strong>of</strong> the truth. I prefaced my remark [to the StateDepartment] with: 'I'm going to give you an <strong>of</strong>ficial version,' and Igave an <strong>of</strong>ficial version, which did not in any way lie."

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