By Way of Deception

By Way of Deception

By Way of Deception

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138 BY WAY OF DECEPTIONdid not exude or inspire confidence. Itsik, on the other hand,played to the gallery as a capable, straight-from-the-field katsawho had just finished a tour as second-in-command at the Parisstation. He was fluent in French, English, and Greek, andimmediately took a shine to French-born Michel M. The two men,always speaking to each other in French, developed an instantcamaraderie that only added to the dislike the others had begun t<strong>of</strong>eel for Michel. My clique had once been close to him, but we hadbeen growing apart — mainly because he was using his languageto ingratiate himself with Itsik and malign the others, includingme.We used to call Michel "frog," though not to his face. Whensomebody saw him coming, they'd make a hand signal <strong>of</strong> a frogjumping across their palm. Michel could never stop talking abouthow great French food was, French wine, French everything. Wehad one joke we liked about the Israeli going into a Frenchrestaurant. "Do you have frogs' legs?" he'd ask. "Yes, sir, but <strong>of</strong>course." "Then do me a favor and hop into the kitchen and get mea hummus."<strong>By</strong> this time, Michel was no longer in my clique, though Yosy andHeim still were. We were a leaner and meaner group then, abunch <strong>of</strong> real bastards. We thought we knew all the tricks <strong>of</strong> thegame. The idea now, they said, was to teach us the essence <strong>of</strong>intelligence. Until now, we had studied behavior and informationgatheringat a lower level. Now we had to get down to the nuts andbolts <strong>of</strong> gathering.The first thing we were shown, by security man Nahaman Lavyand a man named Tal, was another Mossad Productions movieentitled "All Because <strong>of</strong> a Little Nail," the famous story <strong>of</strong> how anarmy lost a war because <strong>of</strong> a nail that was missing from thecommander's horse's shoe, the point being that no detail is toosmall. No matter how insignificant it seems, a detail leftunchecked can unravel a whole operation. This was part <strong>of</strong> a fourhoursession that also included a lecture on secured behavior,security, and reliability.After that, we spent an hour with Ury Dinure, our new instructoron NAKA. Next we began an extensive course in internationalbusiness, learning how a business is run, how to do mailpurchasing, managerial structures, the relationships

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