By Way of Deception

By Way of Deception

By Way of Deception

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BY WAY OF DECEPTION 201actly what the United States believed him to be. Only the Mossadknew the truth.It seems that the main reason the Italians freed the terrorists wasthat they were afraid <strong>of</strong> the case coming to trial, for the truthwould have got out: Italian intelligence had allowed a cell <strong>of</strong>terrorists to come within a whisker <strong>of</strong> assassinating a world leader.Quite a scandal.* * *It still bothered the Mossad at the time that two <strong>of</strong> the missileswere unaccounted for. But the Italians were happy, since theirembarrassment had been concealed, while the Americans thoughtKadhafi was behind the whole thing.While the terrorists were still in jail, security men from theShaback had interrogated them and found out that Ali HassanSalameh, the Red Prince, had indeed been involved. Now theMossad wanted him badly.The Italian police had allowed the Shaback to interrogate thePalestinians in Rome. In all likelihood, a team <strong>of</strong> two Shaback menwould have come into a room where one prisoner was sitting on achair, his hands cuffed behind his back; his legs, too, would havebeen cuffed, with a chain leading to the cuffs. The first thing theShaback would have done was ask the Italian police to leave theroom. "This is an Israeli room now. We will be responsible for theprisoner." The PLO prisoner doubtless would have been horrifed.After all, he'd probably gone to Europe to avoid ever winding up inthe hands <strong>of</strong> the Israelis.After closing the door, the Shaback <strong>of</strong>ficers, speaking Arabic,would have said something like, "We are your friends from theMuchbarat." (Muchbarat is a catch-all name used by the Arabs todescribe all intelligence. Indeed, many Arab intelligence agenciesgo by that name.)They would have wanted to make sure that the prisoner knewexactly who he was dealing with and what his situation was. Nextthey would have removed the regular cuffs and replaced them withthe much harsher type they favor. Made <strong>of</strong> plastic, they looksimilar to the plastic fasteners used to attach name tags toluggage, only these are much stronger and

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