By Way of Deception

By Way of Deception

By Way of Deception

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326 BY WAY OF DECEPTIONBuckley case. That wasn't true, but they further embellished theirstory by asking the Americans to disregard that information inorder to save the lives <strong>of</strong> other hostages. They even promised todouble their efforts to help the Americans in return.Many people in the <strong>of</strong>fice said the Mossad were going to regret itsomeday. But the majority were happy. The attitude was, "Hey, weshowed them. We're not going to be kicked around by theAmericans. We are the Mossad. We are the best."* * *It was just this concern over Buckley and the other hostages thatprompted Casey to circumvent the congressional arm <strong>of</strong> the U.S.system and become involved in the plan to supply Iran withembargoed arms in return for the safety <strong>of</strong> American hostages,culminating in the Iran-Contra scandal. Had the Mossad beenmore helpful initially, it not only could have saved Buckley andothers, it might also have averted this major U.S. political scandal.Peres had clearly seen it as being in Israel's interest to cooperate,but the Mossad — Admony in particular — had other interestsand pursued them relentlessly.The final tragedy <strong>of</strong> Israel's Mossad-led involvement in Lebanonwas that when their station "Submarine" was closed, a lot <strong>of</strong>agents were left behind, and their entire network collapsed. Manyagents were killed. Others were smuggled out successfully.Israel didn't start the war and they didn't end it. It's like playingblackjack in a casino. You don't start the game, and you don't endit. But you're there. Israel just didn't hit any jackpots.During this period, Peres's "adviser on terrorism" was a mannamed Amiram Nir. When Peres suspected the Mossad wasn'tbeing as helpful as it might have been with the Americans, hedecided to use Nir as his personal liaison between the twocountries, a move that brought Nir into contact with U.S.Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North, a central figure in the subsequentIran-Contra scandal. Nir's position in the scheme

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