By Way of Deception

By Way of Deception

By Way of Deception

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BY WAY OF DECEPTION 183been called in — but at that point he had no specific information.He wanted money. He was tense and excited. He really didn't wantto get involved in all this again, but he didn't think he had muchchoice, since the PLO knew where he was. The katsa gave Akbarmoney on the spot and a phone number to call in Paris.Because it is difficult, especially on short notice, to call in teamsfrom Arab countries, where people are not used to European waysand can be more easily spotted in a European setting, the PLOtaps its supply <strong>of</strong> students and workers who are already living inEurope and so are free to travel without arousing suspicion orrequiring a cover story. For the same reason, they <strong>of</strong>ten use theservices <strong>of</strong> European revolutionary groups in their work, eventhough the PLO neither trusts nor respects them.Now it was Akbar's turn, and so he flew to Paris for a rendezvousat the Pyramides, a Metro station, with other PLO people.Mossad's Paris station was to have Akbar followed to his meeting,but somehow they got it wrong. <strong>By</strong> the time they arrived, Akbarand his hosts had gone. Had they monitored the rendezvous andtaken pictures, it might have helped in sorting out the complicatedweb <strong>of</strong> intrigue that Black September was weaving in its zeal tomurder MeltAs an internal security precaution, PLO operatives traveled inpairs once they had received their instructions, but Akbarmanaged to make a quick call to the Paris number when hispartner went to the washroom. He said there was another meetingscheduled. "Target?" asked the Mossad katsa. "One <strong>of</strong> yours," hereplied. "I can't talk now." He hung up.Everyone panicked. Word went out to Israeli facilities around theworld that the PLO was planning to hit an Israeli target. Allstations went on daylight as everyone speculated wildly as to whothe target would be. At the same time, with Meir's trip still twomonths <strong>of</strong>f and not even publicly announced, no one thought <strong>of</strong>her.The next day, Akbar called again and said he would be leavingthat afternoon for Rome. He needed money and

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