By Way of Deception

By Way of Deception

By Way of Deception

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BY WAY OF DECEPTION 263the second-in-command. The Mossad katsa working with theSaudi arms dealer was putting pressure on the dealer to obtainthe weapons quickly, because someone was rushing them.Because <strong>of</strong> Aloony's call, the Mossad knew he was askingquestions, but it was no great problem, because he'd got theanswer they wanted. The man the Mossad was dealing throughassured Aloony it was no problem. Everything was being handled.He had been instructed just to say that, and nothing more, otherthan that he would let Aloony know as soon as the deal wascomplete. Aloony understood these deals take time, so he didn'tseem unduly concerned. He also knew that in their training camp,the PLO had instilled the fear in the Germans that if they doublecrossedthe PLO they would be dead, the old saying that you canrun, but you can't hide.It also helped matters that even the PLO players didn't know asmuch as the Mossad about what was happening. Salem in EastBerlin, for example, didn't know the request to Hussein in Viennawas a backup request. It had not been made through Abu Taan,who was dealing with Salem, but by Arafat's personal securitychief, Abu Zaim. While Salem knew the weapons were for Arafat'sForce 17, Hussein had no idea what they were for.In any event, the Mossad man in Vienna and Hussein made theirown arrangements for payment and delivery <strong>of</strong> the weapons.Hussein had a way <strong>of</strong> transporting goods on Libyan aircraftwithout their being checked; he did not explain how, only that hewanted the arms in containers, which he would then take toBeirut. The plan was to supply him with some real weapons;however, as in Hamburg and Frankfurt, all the shoulder-carryingmissiles would be dummies.The key was to ensure that everything was synchronized inVienna, Hamburg, and Frankfurt. If the plan failed in any <strong>of</strong> thethree locations, it could not only ruin the whole scheme, butcreate considerable danger.In Hamburg, where the weapons were stored in one <strong>of</strong> a series <strong>of</strong>look-alike warehouses, the plan was to show Aloony and SergeantAlsharif the weapons, stored in a container

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