By Way of Deception

By Way of Deception

By Way of Deception

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112 BY WAY OF DECEPTIONimpress women. That was dangerous. That was breaking all therules. But that was their game. They were always boasting abouttheir conquests.Heim was married, and he and his wife <strong>of</strong>ten came to our housefor parties. His wife told Bella, my wife, once that she wasn'tworried about Heim because he was "the most faithful person inthe world." I was astonished to hear that.To me, Yosy's most shocking conquest occurred in the fourteenthfloor "silent room," at headquarters in Tel Aviv, the room used tocall agents. The phone system had a bypass setup whereby akatsa could call his agent in, say, Lebanon, but for anyone tracingthe call, it would appear to have originated in London, Paris, orsome other European capital.When the room was in use, a red light was turned on — ratherappropriately for this occasion — and no one could enter. Yosybrought a secretary to the room, a serious breach <strong>of</strong> the rules, andseduced her while he was actually speaking with his agent inLebanon. To prove he'd done it, he told Heim he would leave thewoman's panties under a monitor in the room. Later, Heim wentin, and sure enough, found the panties. He took them to thewoman and said, "Are these yours?"Embarrassed, she said no, but Heim tossed them onto her deskand left, saying, "Don't get cold."Everyone in the building knew about it. <strong>By</strong> being straight, I missedout on a lot <strong>of</strong> contacts. There was a bond developed between menwho screwed around. What disappointed me was that I'd thought Iwas entering Israel's Olympus, but actually found myself inSodom and Gomorrah. It carried through the entire work.Virtually everyone was tied to everyone else through sex. It was awhole system <strong>of</strong> favors. I owe you. You owe me. You help me. I'llhelp you. That was how katsas advanced, by screwing their way tothe top.Most <strong>of</strong> the secretaries in the building were very pretty. That's howthey were selected. But it got to the point where they were handme-downs;it went with the job. Nobody screwed his ownsecretary, though. That wasn't good for work. You had combatantswho were away for two, three,

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