By Way of Deception

By Way of Deception

By Way of Deception

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240 BY WAY OF DECEPTIONWhile the promise to deliver the goods to Jadid sounds simpleenough, in fact, it involved an intricate series <strong>of</strong> maneuvers toavoid any chance <strong>of</strong> discovery.The Mossad made use <strong>of</strong> a white, or non-Arabic, agent: in thiscase, one <strong>of</strong> their favorite carriers, a Canadian UN <strong>of</strong>ficer stationedin Naharia, a beach city in northern Israel near the neutral zoneseparating it from Syria. These <strong>of</strong>ficers are free to cross borders atwill. The Canadian was paid the standard $500 fee to leave ahollowed-out rock containing the papers at a specific spot at theside <strong>of</strong> the road to Damascus: exactly five steps from a post with aparticular kilometer marking on it.Once the Canadian had come safely back across the border, aMossad combatant picked up the rock, took it to his hotel room,unfastened the false side, and removed questionnaire, pencil, andsome <strong>of</strong> Jadid's money. He checked the whole package at a parcelstation, pocketed the claim check, and flew to Italy. From there, hesent the claim check special delivery to Mossad headquarters inTel Aviv. They, in turn, put it in an envelope and sent the claimcheck to Magid who, finally, mailed it to his brother.So it arrived in Jadid's mail as a normal letter from his brother,with no suspicions aroused. Soon, the letters started coming back,as Jadid went studiously through the detailed questionnaire,telling the Israelis everything they wanted to know about Syrianmilitary preparedness.This scheme worked well for about five months, with the Mossadconvinced they had an unwitting accomplice in high places for along time to come. Then, as happens all too <strong>of</strong>ten in theintelligence business, things changed.While the Syrians had no idea Jadid was spying for the Israelis,they had been growing increasingly suspicious that he wasinvolved in pornography and drugs. To make sure, they would sethim up: Jadid would be arrested by Syrian police carrying ashipment <strong>of</strong> heroin from Lebanon as he was leaving the countryon a trip to several European capitals. He was to be part <strong>of</strong> a teamthat would audit the books that recorded the military operations <strong>of</strong>several Syrian embassies.Ironically, Jadid was saved from being caught by the greed

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