diced b Jos e S. Arc a, - non

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Philippines does not imply rejecting Spain. Again, here are texts from bothauthors, although we use the friar's Catechism:CatecismoNoliWhy should this society not becalled especially Filipino sincewe are in our land, and we arethe majority?Because we have done nothing,and the Spaniards have doneeverything.103Why should our independencedestroy the unity of governmentin the islands?Because union in society isachieved through obedience tothe true authority [Spain's] 101Could we not use religion andmorality which the Spaniardshave taught us to give new laws[once idependence is won]?No, because one or the otherdemand from us obedience andsubmission to the legitimateauthority which is exercised bythe Spanish government. Rejectingthis, we begin to violate theGospel and natural law, whichprescribe obedience to all laws.102According to this, should theFilipino motto be to live withSpain?And to be happy, die for her.'w"Bow my head or lose it;"repeated Ibarra thoughtfully. "Itis a hard dilemma. But whyshould it be so? Is my love for mycountry incompatible with mylove for Spain? Is it necessary tohumiliate oneself to be a goodChristian, and to betray my conscienceto achieve a good objective?I love my country, thePhilippines, because I owe hermy life and happiness, andbecause every man should lovehis country. I love Spain, the/ country of my forefathers, andbecause, after all, the Philippinesowe and will owe to Spain bothhappiness and future. I am aCatholic and keep pure the faithof my fathers. I don't see why Ishould bow my head when I canhold it high or place it in thehands of my enemies when I candefeat them 10191

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