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First International Congress on Rizal. Data Papers. I. Commission onScience. II. Commission on Social Sciences. III. Commission onHumanities. Manila (?): no imprint, 1961 (?). 311 p.Gagelonia, Pedro A. Rizal. Our Noble Heritage. Manila: Cruz and Sons,1968. 311 p.'. Rizar s Life, Works and Writings. Manila: National Book Store, 1974.490 p.Garcia, Paulin J. Rizal and the Sciences. Three Speeches. Manila: NSDBPrinting Press, 1961. 16 p.Garcia, Ricardo P.; and Malay, Armando J. Winds of Controversy. A Debateon the Rizal Retractation. Introduction by Juan C. Orendain. QuezonCity: Knights of Rizal (?), no date. 121 p.Garcia, Ricardo P. The Fallacy of the "Forger of the Rizal Retractation."Quezon City: Garcia Pub. Co., 1961. 45 p.. The Great Debate. The Rizal Retractation. Quezon City: Garcia Pub.Co., 1964. 216 p.Gardulio, Leonardo. Rizal and His Enemies. Part I. Manila: no imprint,19532. 32 p.Guerrero, Leon Ma. The First Filipino. Manila: National HeroesCommission, 1963.Gutierrez Lasanta, Francisco. <strong>Jos</strong>e Rizal, Figura Hispdnico-Filipino.Contribuci6n al I centenario de su nacimiento, 1861-1896. Zaragoza:Talleres Editoriales "El Noticiero," 1962. 196 p.Hart, Irving. The Enigmatic Dr. <strong>Jos</strong>e Rizal. Manila: Wightman Printing,1934.Hernandez, <strong>Jos</strong>e M. Rizal. Manila: Alemar's, 1950. 291 p.Hessel, Eugene A. The Religious Thought of <strong>Jos</strong>e Rizal. Rev. ed. QuezonCity: New. Day Publishers, 1983. 344 p."I Abjure Masonry"—<strong>Jos</strong>e Rizal. Symposium Sponsored by the San BedaCollege of Law. Manila: San Beda College of Law, 1950. 32 p.Jaen, Antonio. Sim6n de Anda y <strong>Jos</strong>e Rizal. Figuras de la Raza. Conferenciapronunciada por el Ecmo. Sr. . . . Manila: Democracia Espanola, 1937.11.<strong>Jos</strong>e Rizal National Centennial Commission. The Rizal Shrine at FortSantiago. Manila: Bureau of Printing, 1961. 56 p.Lakan-dula (pseud.). Biografia de Rizal. Manila: no imprint. 7621.Lanuza, Cezar Z. and Zaide, Gregorio. Rizal in Japan. Tokyo: no imprint,1961. 92. p.Laubach, Frank Ch. Rizal. Man and Martyr. Manila: Philippines CommunityPublishers, 1936. 421 p.245

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