diced b Jos e S. Arc a, - non

diced b Jos e S. Arc a, - non

diced b Jos e S. Arc a, - non


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Blumentritt about the pastor of his hometown Calamba: ". . . a just man,liberal and tolerant . . He was a musician, a poet, and a naturalist. He neverbecame involved with politics. He never had anything to do with the electionof the gobernadorcillo": EJR, 11-2, 754. This is Rizalian tolerance: of theaccidental, not of the substantial.27. EJR, I, 244.28. EJR, I, 245.29. OR, I, 246.30. EJR, 11-2, 760.31. EJR, II-2, 688.32. EJR, 11-2, 775.33. EJR, I, 249.34. EJR, I, 252-253.35. EJR, I, 258.36. I do not know Fischer's masons for writing: "<strong>Jos</strong>ephine Bracken, anAnglo-Chinese mestiza, who arrived in the Islands with her sick father-inlaw":Fischer, <strong>Jos</strong>e Rizal, 47. He cites Leon Ma. Guerrero, The First Filipino,but the 1974 edition which I used carries a document written by <strong>Jos</strong>ephineBracken, titled "Description of My Life." She relates: "My Mother is aNative of Ireland and was married to my Father on the 3rd of May 1868 inBelfast, Ireland. My Father's name is James Bracken, and my Mother'sMaiden Name was Elizabeth Jane MacBride": Guerrero, Op. cit., 360.37. Carlos Alonso, "La Sagrada Congregaci6n y Filipinas: Relacionessolo en la Primera Parte del siglo XVIII," Sacrae Congregationis dePropaganda Fide Memoria Rerwn. 350 Afios al Servicio de las Misiones,1622-1972 (Roma-Fribourg-Vienna, 1972), I, 2, 1044. "Reglamento delColegio Seminario de San Clemente," epigraph "De las naciones que se hande admitir poi colegiales," in Pedro Rubio Merino, Don Diego Camacho yAvila, Arzobispo de Manila y de Guadalajara de Mexico (1695-1712)(Sevilla, 1958), 524-525.38. Giovanni B. Tragella, Le Missioni Estere di Milano (Milan, 1950)I, 278.259

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