diced b Jos e S. Arc a, - non

diced b Jos e S. Arc a, - non

diced b Jos e S. Arc a, - non


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19. Morga-Rizal, Sucesos (Paris, 1890) 341, n. 3. I believe Rizal's otherobservations are even more gratuitous and devoid of objectivity. He suspects,for example, that Fray Juan de Plasencia could have misrepresented certainhistorical facts (p. xxxv, n. 2), and tags Fray Jeronimo de Jesus "deceitful"(149, n. 1), and a "vulgar diplomat" (152, tr. 1).20. EJR I, 235-236.21. Rizal to Blumentriu, 22 October 1891: EJR, II-2, 3, 774-774. Italicsmine. The Franciscan from Tyrol mentioned by Rizal is Gaspar Fuchs. Hebelonged to the Province of Saint Leopold of Tyrol. Born in Innsbruck on1 July 1848, he entered the Franciscan order on 12 July 1866 and wasordained to the priesthood on 8 January 1871. He had already been in Chinabefore (1875-1889), and the second time he went there he stayed for sevenyears (1891-1898). From China he went to the Holy Land (1.898-1899) andhe finally died in Bolzano on 12 June 1906. The last time he went to China, towhich Rizal alludes, he seems to have gone in the company of six otherFranciscan missionaries, all of them Italians, according to the Franciscansources. See Acta Ordinis Fratrum Minorurn, 1892, 27. I owe thisinformation to Fr. Florentin Nothegger, 0. F. M.22. Rizal never doubted the morality of his enterprise: the restoration ofthe dignity and freedom of his people. He did doubt, on the other hand, andfrequently, his own motivations, especially the ethical goodness of his novelthe Noli me tangere, despite his protests to the contrary in his letters toFr. Pablo Pastel's, S. J. His almost pathological anxiety to meet persons whowould approve his writings and the extreme importance he gave to the veryfew opinions drat were voiced in his favor (practically only that of Fr. VicenteGarcia, a Filipino secular priest) are the greatest proof of his interiorinsecurity. Unamuno already succeeded in inventing one of his phrases thatsynthesize entire pages of research when he described Rizal as "Quixotedoubled by Hamlet": Obras cornpletas, VIII, 939.23. Leandro Torino Sanz, "Volonteri: Fellow Passenger of Rizal," in thisvolume.24. Rizal admitted in his letter to Juan Zulueta dated 14 August 1891:". . I . . . have created only one Fray Damaso and one Capitan Tiago . . . .":ER, II-3, 2,697.25. Diario: ER, I, 241.289

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