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119. ACPF, "S. C. Cma 1867-1868," Vol. 22, fols. 944-947v; "1873-1874," Vol. 25, fols. 1077-1080.120. ACPF, "S. C. Cina 18694870," Vol. 23, fols. 694-696.121. ACPF, "S. C. Cina 1867-1868," Vol. 22, fols. 944-947v.CAVITE TRIALS1. See the essay, "Bishop Volonteri, Fellow Passenger of Rizal," elsewherein this volume.2. Op. cit.3. <strong>Arc</strong>hivo Historic° Nacional (Madrid), "Ultramar" legajo 5217,expediente 55.4. Those War Councils were empowered by the proclamations of14 January 1869 and 8 May 1871, and the declaration of 24 June of the sameyear. These edicts gave jurisdiction to the permanent War Council overhighway robbers, and those guilty of robbery, violence and other excessescommitted together with others if apprehended infraganti, or within 48 hoursafter the commission of the crime. The reports submitted by the Fiscal of thenaval station and the Assesor of War to their superiors, the CommandantGeneral of the Marine and the Captain General of the Philippinesrespectively, differed in the interpretation of "other excesses committedtogether with others." The first believed that individual members of theMarine in active service were incapable of planning an act of rebellion andtherefore they could not try them. The second, on the other hand, was of theopinion no one could doubt with an honest mind that "other excesses"included "crimes of rebellion and conspiracy because these are excessive andserious, perpetrated together with others."— Letter of the CommandantGeneral of the Marine to the Captain General of the Philippines dated Manila,9 February 1872; Report of the Auditor of War drawn up also in Manila,15 February 1872: AHN, "Ultramar," 5217, exp. 55.5. Servicio Historic° Militar (Madrid) "Documentos de Filipinas,"legajo 4, annario 14, tabla 1, carpeta 9.6. This auditor was Manuel Asensi, born in Cehegin, and 43 years ofage. A licentiate in jurisprudence, he joined on 12 February 1851 the Collegeof Lawyers in Madrid where he practiced law until 9 March 1854. He went to267

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