diced b Jos e S. Arc a, - non

diced b Jos e S. Arc a, - non

diced b Jos e S. Arc a, - non


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ut it agrees with those who know this history. Fray Elias of Cortona imposedon the Order a line of conduct not completely in accord with the mind of theirfounder, punishing their founder, punishing severely those opposed to him.One, Fray Caesarius of Speyer, was jailed and died from abuses. See Gratiende Pads, Historia de la fundacian y evolucion de la Orden de FrailesMenores en el Siglo XIII (Buenos Aires, 1947), 144. Various works relatingto Saint Francis have been published' in the Philippines, including a briefbiography of the saint, but it is improbable they would mention this. It is morelikely that Rizal read about this thorny problem in Renan's work when hesettled in Germany, or in one of the writings of Pi y Margall or Morayta.8. The celadora (in Spanish), or "hermana mayor" was in charge of agroup of Franciscan tertiaries in a definite geographic area. She served as thelink between the members and the priest in charge of directing the activitiesof the association. Among her duties, the most important are to make sure therule is faithfully observed, to encourage fraternal union among the tertiaries,and make sure no sick sister is neglected either materially or spiritually. SeeRegla y ordenaciones municipales de la V. 0. T. de penitencia de M P. S.Francisco. (Sampaloc, 1828) 115-118.9. This hypothesis is based on the fact that Meisic was a barrio ofSampaloc, a town then on the outskirts of Manila, and the seat of theFranciscan Third Order for all the Filipinos. At that time, it was the mostflourishing religious association in the Philippines.10. Paciano to <strong>Jos</strong>e, Calamba, 29 December 1882: EJR (Manila, 1961)II-1, 1, 72. This letter from Paciano and others of a later date provide enoughinformation to enable us to say with great probability that the processiondescribed in Noli, 240-243, as well as the exchange between the Franciscanand Dominican tertiaries, or similar episodes were nothing else butrecollections of scenes Rizal witnessed in his birthplace, Calamba.11. Rizal to Paciano, Madrid, 13 February 1883: ER, II-1,1, 101.12. Letter dated 13 February 1883, mentioned above.13. Teodora Alonso to her son, Calamba, 27 November 1883: Loc cit.151.14. Teodora Alonso to her son, Calamba, 11 December 1883: Loc. cit.,170. Could Rizal be thinking of this letter from his aged mother when, a fewmoments before he died, he turned to Fr. Estanislao March, S. J. and said the287

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