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9. "Seeing that only at great loss could the Regiment No. 7 take the fortand ignoring what lay entrenched within, I believed it more prudent for lackof campaign artillery to order a retreat." SHM, "Documentos de Filipinas,"leg. 4, armario 15, tabla 1, carpeta "aflo 1872."10. "Parte de la Columna de Operaciones en Cavite," 21 January 1872:SHM, "Documentos de Filipinas," legajo 4, armada 14, tabla 1, carpeta 9;"Diario de las operaciones practicadas por la columna expedicionaria aCavite." SHM, "Documentos de Filipinas," legajo 1, atrnario 15, tabla 1(published. n an English excerpt by Carlos Quirino, "More Documents onBurgos," Philippine Studies, XVIII, 166-167.11. "At this stage, the Deputy Captain General, with Regiments 1 and 2,and four mounted artillery companies, appeared in sight of Cavite aboardboats idling in the bay, initiating a general assault at the same time that theartillery attempted to break through, effectively accomplishing the objectivein a few moments. Seeing this, the insurgents made signals for a parley whichwere ignored." La DiscusiOn (7 March 1872).12. SHM, "Documentos de Filipinas," legajo 1, armario 15, tabla 1.13. Nonetheless the previous number continued to be repeated and evenincreased. Thus, for example, the correspondent of El Pensamiento Espanol,writing from Manila on 28 January: "As I told you, they would total around300, soldiers and laborers."14. SHM, "Documentos de Filipinas," legajo 4, armario 16, tabla 1;Quirino, Op. cit., 167-170.15. "On the night of 20 January some members of the Marine InfaniryBatallion which was occupying the Fort of San Felipe, joined to the smalldetachment of the Artillery guarding the Fort of San Felipe and some artilleryuniting with them . ." General Army-Orders for 22 January, published inGaceta de Manila (23 January 1872).16. "About 200 men composed of the Artillery of the Army, the Armada,and the Marine, all native-born, rose, in arms at the Arsenal on the 20th."SHM, "Documentos de Filipinas," legajo 4, annario 14, tabla 1, carpeta 9.See also my essay, already cited, "La Huelga . , ." where I mention variousopinions.269

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