diced b Jos e S. Arc a, - non

diced b Jos e S. Arc a, - non

diced b Jos e S. Arc a, - non


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them as slaves among the conquerors,profaning their temples,breaking their idols, and puttingto the sword thousands of soldiers,because Atahualpa did notrespect a Bible he neither knewnor could have known, since hedid not even know there was awritten language?" (pages 127-128)preferable to the one we hadbefore; I believe you and I agreewith you, but it is too expensive,for we have paid for it with ournational identity, with ourindependence. For its sake wehave given to its priests our besttowns, our fields, and even oursavings, which are spent on thepurchase of religious trinkets. Aproduct of foreign manufacturehas been imported here; we havepaid for it; and we are even."(page 312)The above shows a not insignificant number of ideas were shared by Pi yMargali and Rizal, who not only did not deny his sources, but even openlyacknowledged them.'"Let me now close this section, apparently insignificant in itself, butactually of more importance if we keep in mind what we have been saying sofar, namely, some of Rizal's characters like the ca<strong>non</strong> Tio Leoncio of LasLuchas de Nuestros Dias, know by memory the philosophy of Amat.15. Miguel Morayta y Sagrario. "Discurso leido en la UniversidadCentral en la solemne inauguradon del curso academic° 1884-1884," La Reforma Burocrdtica (Madrid: Tipografia de Diego .Pacheco, 1884)Miguel Morayta is another figure of the first rank in the political andsocial life of Spain at the end of the nineteenth century. Both his friendshipand his writings strongly influenced <strong>Jos</strong>e Rizal, his history student at theuniversity. Castelar's intimate collaborator, Morayta played an importantrole in Spanish politics in the middle of the nineteenth century. He founded,edited, and in a good measure wrote, two dailies that were rabidlyanticlerical, rationalist, republican, and quite blasphemous, La Reforma(1868 or 1869), and La Republica Therica (1869). He was the secretary of the"Junta revolucionaria" of Madrid and president of the Anticlerical League.He rose to the 33rd degree in masonry. His ideas on the supposed goodness of104

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