diced b Jos e S. Arc a, - non

diced b Jos e S. Arc a, - non

diced b Jos e S. Arc a, - non


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The lure of greater fortunes in the country can also explain the role ofmasonry in the sordid, conflict of Cavite.THE CAVITE TRIALSKnowing now that there was masonic intervention in the mutiny ofCavite, let us now look more closely into the trials that followed it. But let usfirst note that, according to Regidor's pamphlet, Philippine masonry haddifferent lodges, rites, and orients in disagreement among themselves. Onefaction could easily have set up a lodge unknown to the others, and it waseven possible Filipino priests might have been involved, as well as their"brothers" of the other rites.It is beyond dispute that Izquierdo acted precipitately and withpreconceived and fixed ideas. Within a month of his arrival in thePhilippines, he wrote Duke de la Torre:I dedicate myself to the study of the country and its needs without rest . . . studywhich what I know and observe—because of their identities and similarities—inCuba, Puerto Rico, and Santo Domingo greatly helps.And just as in these islands the criollos hate the generous Fatherland whichbrought them to their happiness and civilization, so in the Philippine <strong>Arc</strong>hipelagothe Chinese and European mestizos share the same aversion. It seems nothingelse but that they are like the bastard who hates his father who reminds him of theillegitimacy of his origin."On 30 June 1871, he wrote Lopez de Ayala: "What I observed andlearned in Cuba serves me in very good stead?'"With such pronounced prejudices long before the mutiny, it is notsurprising that immediately after it was crushed, he wrote:30As a result of the lamentable incidents about which I send a report to YourExcellency in a separate letter of this date, I have the honor to inform YourExcellency that I have apprehended and placed in isolation in Fort Santiago thenative priests D. <strong>Jos</strong>e Burgos, D. Agustin Mendoza, D. Mariano Lopez, andD. Feliciano Lopez, as well as the laymen D. Joaquin Pardo, D. Enrique Paraiso,D. Antonio Regidor, D. <strong>Jos</strong>e Maria Basa, and D. Pio Basa, also born in thecountry. Their indictment the Captain General has entrusted to the Fiscal of theTribunal of War. I do not know what will result from these actions and of thosebeing effected in Cavite. But public opinion, impartial observers, the evidentproofs of a moral order, the secret information which for some time I have had onthese persons are all for me proofs of my personal conviction they alone are theauthors of the uprising crushed in Cavite. If their guilt is proven, the judgment of

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