diced b Jos e S. Arc a, - non

diced b Jos e S. Arc a, - non

diced b Jos e S. Arc a, - non


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127. Donald L. Shaw, Historia de la literatura espafiola. El siglo XIX(Barcelona, 1979), 198.•128. Federico Sainz de Robles, in Benito Perez Galdos, Obras completas(Madrid: Aguilar, 1969), IV, 413.129. Schumacher, The Propaganda Movement, 81.130. Op. cit., 108.131. Horacio de la Costa, S. J., "Nascent Philippine Nationalism,"Philippine Historical Review, 3 (1970), 168.132. Wenceslao E. Retana, <strong>Arc</strong>hivo del BibliOfilo Filipino, IV, 278.133. Wenceslao E. Retana, "Revista de Filipinas," Nuestro Tiempo, 8:116 (1908), 179-180.134. George Orwell, 1984 (Barcelona, 1981), 280.RIZAL, CAVITE, AND THE FRANCISCANS1. Wenceslao E. Retana, Vida y escritos del Dr. Rizal (Madrid, 1907);Rafael Palma, Biografia de Rizal (Manila, 1969); Leon Ma. Guerrero, TheFirst Filipino (Manila, 1974); Austin Coates, Rizal Philippine Nationalistand Martyr (Hongkong, 1968).2. Isagani's words in El Filibusterismo (Guerrero's Englishtranslation), 195-196. Unless otherwise stated, quotations from Rizal's twonovels are from the translations by Guerrero: Noli me tangere (London,1961), El Filibusterismo (London, 19622).3. Miguel de Unamuno, "Epilog° al libro Vida y escritos del Dr. Rizal,de W. E. Retana," Obras completas (Madrid, 1966), 968.4. <strong>Jos</strong>e Rizal, Noli me tangere, 6.5. El Filibusterismo, 82.6. Noli me tangere, 241.7. This observation on the internal squabbles of the Order regarding theoriginal Franciscan ideal is surprising. I do not know the source Rizal used,286

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