diced b Jos e S. Arc a, - non

diced b Jos e S. Arc a, - non

diced b Jos e S. Arc a, - non


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interpreted according to the "spirit of the law" in the case of the others, themilitary fiscal wrote:There is no clear explanation for this since the modification of the penalty mustbe based not on what the article seeks to express, but on the kind of evidencepresented in the case. This sentence was pronounced on 15 February, provingthat Manila continued in an exceptional situation 24 days after the Cavite mutinyhad been crushed.%This opinion was signed by the Supreme War Council and the ChiefMilitary Fiscal.According to the latter, Izquierdo had abused and acted arbitrarily, partlyapproving as convenient "the sentence of the War Council, modifying it as hepleased, decreeing on his own authority the subsequent implementation inaccord with what he himself had proposed, but which were not explicit in thesentence," just as he did in the first two cases in violation of all the establishedrules for the administration of military justice and arrogating to himselfattributes he did not possess, "acting as untrammelled judge and referee.'67Felipe Ribero Lemoine signed the official letter where these reprimandsare mentioned, and agreed that his godson Izquierdo be made aware of them.Since the highest military tribunal of Spain has so concluded, <strong>Arc</strong>hbishopGregorio Meliton Martinez and <strong>Jos</strong>e Rizal were right in doubting the fairnessof that trial.56

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