diced b Jos e S. Arc a, - non

diced b Jos e S. Arc a, - non

diced b Jos e S. Arc a, - non


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permanent War Council, which sentenced them to die by firing squad. But,considering the [possible] loss of life, I thought that public vengeance would besatisfied by executing only a third of them?'THE FIRST TWO TRIALS41 found guilty were sentenced by two war councils, both of thempresided over by Colonel Francisco Moscoso y Lara. One of them tried FirstCorporal <strong>Jos</strong>e Tolentino and 33 Marine Infantry troops. The other, CorporalPedro Ma<strong>non</strong>son and his 36 co-accused. All in all, 71 persons were tried andsentenced, that is to say, all those who were brought as prisoners from Cavite.On Izquierdo's orders to Segundo Cabo Ginoves, both trials were held inManila, not in Cavite, and the secretary of the proceedings was Joaquin Perezy Rosette of the Magallanes Infantry Regiment No. 3.The prisoners headed by Tolentino, were tried by Fiscal Juan Gomez yFernandez of the Royal Infantry Regiment No. 1, and the following captainsof the same regiment acted as judges: Fernando Gonzalez, Fidelio Novella,Francisco Salado, <strong>Jos</strong>e Perez, Francisco Sanchez, and Fidel Hernandez.Condemned to death were Tolentino and 6 soldiers, a first corporal, and asecond corporal. 22 soldiers were condemned to ten years' imprisonment,and three remaining soldiers were acquitted.'The group headed by Ma<strong>non</strong>son was adjudicated by Lieutenant EmilioGonzalez y Grano de Oro of the Queen's Regiment No. 2, who acted asfiscal, with the following captains as judges: Enrique Tovar, FernandoGonzalez, Victor Sanchez, Federico Novella, Antonio Bustillo, and FidelHernandez. 34 accused soldiers were condemned to death, while a crewman,a prisoner, and a civilian named Maximo Inocencio were set aside for laterquestioning. 22 soldiers of the Marine Infantry received an indult, while allthe artillery men (a corporal and 7 soldiers—probably the 8 who had beenapprehended when they tried to escape from Fort San Felipe) and four of theMarine Infantry (Ma<strong>non</strong>son and 3 soldiers) were executed by firing squad?'Not a single one of those who had openly fought the Spaniards remainedalive.In his proclamation "To the Inhabitants of the Philippines" on 27 January1872, Izquierdo made the following statement:48The War Council with jurisdiction over the case of the unfortunate events inCavite pronounced the death sentence yesterday on 41 lost individuals who,forgetful of their sacred oaths and lending their ears to the cowardly, rose in armsagainst the glorious banner of Spain?'

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