diced b Jos e S. Arc a, - non

diced b Jos e S. Arc a, - non

diced b Jos e S. Arc a, - non


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24. Pablo Pastells, S. J., MisiOn de la Companta de Jesus de Filipinas enel siglo XIX. 3 vols. (Barcelona: Tip. y Lib. Editorial Barcelonesa, 1916-1917).25. Pablo Pastels, S. J., Historia General de Filipinas. 9 vols.(Barcelona:Compaflla General de Tabacos de Filipinas, 1825-1934). The lasttwo volumes were published posthumously. Pastells' historical narrativeconstitutes the first part of each volume, the second part being the Catalog°de los documentos relativos a las Islas Filipinas existentes en el <strong>Arc</strong>hivo deIndias de Sevilla, prepared by Pedro Torres y Lanzas and Francisco Navas delValle.26. Retana, Vida y escritos, 271n.27. Roger Aubert, Le Pontifical de Pie IX, 1846-1878 (Paris: Bloud etGay, 1952), 219; Edgar Hocedez, S. J., Histoire de la Theologie au XIX°Siecle, I (Bruxelles: L'Edition Universelies, 1948), 15-19.28. Denzinger-Schonmetzer, Enchiridion Symbolorum, 2980.29. Aubert, Le Pontificat de Pie IX, 220.30. Schumacher, The Propaganda Movement, 18-19.31. The discussion on Traditionalism and Integrism is derived from JohnN. Schumacher, "Integrism: A study in Nineteenth Century Spanish Politico-Religious Thought," The Catholic Historical Review, XLVIII (October,1962), 343-64.32. Ibid., 354.33. Obras de Ram6n Nocedal, II (Madrid, 1907), 38; quotedSchumacher, "Integrism," 350-51.34. Pastells-Rizal, 2 February 1893, Ep. Riz, IV, 106. Italics mine.35. Ibid., 106-07. Italics mine.305

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