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In general, the book is a denouncement of the "influence of and theexploitation by the regular clergy" which had sunk the Philippines iningratitude, neglect, and exploitation, a situation that should not be allowed tocontinue. In fact, the people were now mature for freedom and the separatistmovements in the last 40 years were... cemented in a deep discontent which rules over the country, thanks to a brutalexploitation which victimizes the indigenous population and the difficultsituation through which are passing the lower clergy, oppressed by the allpowerfulregular clergy, thanks, too, to a spirit openly hostile to an anachronisticcolonial regime in power in the Philippines whichincites the enlightened classesof Manila."The Philippines continues under the "sharpness of the sober and thesterilizing shadow of the convents." In this situation, only one attitude ispossible:It is proven that theocracy, like militarism, has never produced a vigorous andprogressive colony; it seems therefore that we ought to take advantage of time tobring to an end these reactionary forces wherever they are found.°Can there be a more radical posture in that situation, no matter howdifficult? Yes, Labra suggests:We believe that the future of our colonies is under the wings of Spain. We thinkthat only in freedom can Spain assure herself of the overseas empire. And ifunfortunately she could not keep them—contrary to our hope—except at the costof Liberty and Justice, we suggest, we affirm that Spain OUGHT TO GIVE UPONCE AND FOR ALL HER COLONIES IN ASIA AND AMERICA."Was this work read in the progressive circles in the Philippines at thetime? If we must accept the word of Pedro Gutierrez y Salazar, an official inthe Manila government then and one of those "purged" by Governor de laTone, someone presented this brochure "which the author sent here to hisrelative to obtain permission to reprint and circulate it," an idea rejected bythe governor for "the friars would react." At the same time, however, heallowed distributing copies "among people of the most modern convictions."This is what happened. According to the same author, sensing his imminentfall from power and to prepare a justification for his actuations in thePhilippines, de la Tone used Labra in Madrid to spread around the Spanishcapital ideas that were pertinent to his cases69

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