diced b Jos e S. Arc a, - non

diced b Jos e S. Arc a, - non

diced b Jos e S. Arc a, - non


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24. Published in Gaceta de Manila 28 January 1872.25. See note 22 above, and SHM, "Doc. Fil.," leg. 4, arm. 14, tab. 1,carp. 9, fols. 86-99.26. AHN, "Ultramar," 5217, 50.27. That case in which he was again included was the same one ofBurgos, Gomez, and Zamora.28. SHM, "Doc. Fil," leg. 4, arm. 14, tab. 1, carp. 9.29. Here the two charges which appear in the Superior Civil Governor'sindult included in the copy of the sentence are repeated. See note 28 above.30. I wrote in my essay, "Bishop Volonteri" it is beyond dispute that"Izquierdo acts with precipitation and fixed preconceived ideas." Elsewherein this volume.31. BAH, Col. Bauer, ms. 6127, document 559.32. Gaceta de Madrid, 10 February,1872.33. SHM, "Doc. Fd.," leg. 4, arm. 14, tab. 1. carp. 9.34. Ibid., and BAH, Col. Bauer, ms. 6127, document 524.35. Corporals Tolentino and Ma<strong>non</strong>son, the first prisoners executed, hadcommitted the same crime of conspiracy, but the abundant documentation Ihave consulted mentions nothing of their having caused an uprising while indetention either before or after the mutiny had started.36. Manuel Artigas y Cuerva, Los sucesos de 1872, 126.37. See "Bishop Volonteri," in this volume.38. Op. cit.39. Francisco Engracio Vergara (Regidor's pseudonym), La Masoneriaen Filipinas, 15.40. John N. Schumacher and Nicholas P. Cushner, "Documents Relatingto Father Burgos," Philippine Studies, XVII (1969), 522-528.41. Ibid.42. Colecci6n de los Decretos y 6rdenes generates expedidos por lasCortes ordinaries de los alio: 1820 y 1821 . . . . (Madrid, 1821), VII, 45-46.271

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