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oral examination to impose immediate punishment condign to the veryserious crime of military and political rebellion against the Motherland."'Izquierdo right away dispatched General Felipe Ginoves Espinar, hisdeputy military commander ("Segundo Cabo"), with the First and SecondRegiments to Cavite to suppress "the sedition, without mercy or regard,decimating the insurgents he could capture, and, with the advice of theAuditor of War" who also went with him, try them in court-martial andexecute those whose fate so decreed.' According to this dispatch, the trialswere to start in Cavite and the Auditor of War, as counsel to the militaryjudges, was to play a fundamental role.6NUMBER OF INSURGENTSThat same day, 21 January, when Izquierdo was issuing the above orders,he received at 11:00 o'clock in the morning a telegram from Ginovesreporting the insurgents to be 200. This total was immediately passed on toofficial letters and notices,' which served as the source of historicalpopularization.' As in similar cases, this number was a round estimateexaggerated by the one about to initiate military operations, and the firstreport from the Politico-Military Governor of Cavite shows they were reallyunaware of the size of the insurgent forces.9At 6:00 o'clock in the afternoon, the dead among the insurgents wereestimated at 21, and about 8 who had tried to flee by swimming were takenprisoners later in the night.° At daybreak of 22 January during the assault onSan Felipe which had already signalled its surrender," 34 insurgents wereput to the sword, according to the "Diary of Operations." The prisoners takenbefore and after the assault were calculated to be about 40, "with probablysome more captives among those who may have hidden under thescaffolding.'"2 These cifers add up to a reduced number of insurgentsreported the previous day by one half."On 31 January, Izquierdo specified the above numbers in his officialletter No. 396. He reported as follows:1. In Fort San Felipe the Artillery detachment which rebelled wascomposed of a lieutenant, two sergeants, a bugler, and 32 soldiers.2. All the soldiers of the Marine Infantry who mutinied in their barracksnumbered 54. Of them, 15 remained without passing on to the fort, and thesewere sent to the barracks of the Infantry Regiment No. 7.46

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