diced b Jos e S. Arc a, - non

diced b Jos e S. Arc a, - non

diced b Jos e S. Arc a, - non


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17. The cablegram mentioned in the preceding note continues:"consolidating themselves in the Fort of San Felipe. This has been taken bythe loyal troops and all the rebels have been put to the sword."18. lzquierdo to the Overseas Ministry, Letter No. 390 dated Manila,31 January 1872: SHM, "Documentos de Filipinas," legajo 4, armario 16,tabla 1.19. The sensationalism of the press, then and now, distorts the facts. Thesame thing happened here. El Argos (5 March 1872) published:, "theyassassinated a lieutenant with his wife and a young child five years old." ElDebate (6 March 1872) said the same thing: "a lady and her son wereassassinated by the insurgents." However, in El Pensamiento Espanol (14March 1872) we can read: "The castellan's wife whom they killed, receiveda bullet in her leg, and her maid who covered her with her own body, died ofa bullet wound." This is actually what had happened as recorded in the "Diaryof Operation? where it is recorded that "in a room to the left of the gate to thefortress, they found the wife of the Artillery Lieutenant, Commander of thedetachment with his arms, a bullet wound on her thigh." SHM, "Documentosde Filipinas," legajo 1, annario 15, tabla 1; Izquierdo's reserved letter No.390 to the Overseas Minister dated at Manila, 31 January 1872, where onereads: "Of the two officers apprehended and arrested in the fort, one wasfound dead, the other seriously wounded, the Castellan commander of thedetachment, the peninsular Second Sergeant, and a maid all dead; theCastellan's wife wounded on the thigh." SHM, "Documentos de Filipinas,"legajo 4, armario 16, tabla 1). There was no child killed, but a Filipina maidwho deserves our praise.20. "The prisoners taken from the enemy at the moment of the assault, aswell as in the previous days, totalled about forty, it being probable that somemore may be captured of those who may have hidden under the floor of thefirst storey of the buildings which are found there and were not included inthe careful counting immediately made." SHM, "Doc. Fil.," leg. 1, arm. 15,tab. 1.21. SHM, "Doc. leg. 4, arm. 16, tab. 1.22. SHM, " Doc. Fil.," leg. 4, ann. 14, tab. 1, carp. 9, fols. 73-8523. The list of those convicted may be found in SHM, "Doc. Fil.," leg. 4,arm. 13-4, tab. 1, carp. 9.270

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