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horrible cancer that is gnawing at our society, that seizes on the flesh of ourcountry, and must be tom out." El Eco Filipino took scandal at the "elegantcarriages" the Franciscans allegedly used. And Rizal makes Fray Damasomount "a carriage of silver decor," etc.I believe these few examples and those we indicated when quoting thePalo leaders' charges against Fray Agustin de Consuegra justify saying manyof the passages in the Noli were written against the background of theideology, the opinions and facts published in El Eco Filipino. If any doubtsstill linger, I quote the novel's description of how Fray Salvi received hisguests, depending on whether he liked them or not, as well as an identicalpassage from the newspaper:El Eco FilipinoBut in our search for greatercomfort and less taste, let's go tothe parish house and there wefind the selfish face in its variedexpressions .. . The friar's food iswell prepared and finely servedin either case [the guest is wellliked or not], and he behaves inthis way:It is customary in the Philippinesto end orders to the servant withthe password "Ah"or "Eh." Well,then. Suppose, for example, acup of chocolate is offerred atraveler. The friar who keeps themost exquisite and the worstcups, orders one or, the othertaken out by merely concludinghis order with "Ah" or "Eh," andthe servant, previously instructed,knows exactly what thepriest wants to tell him."'"NoliSo you're going to the parishhouse to visit Father Wouldn't-Hurt-A-Fly! Look out! If heoffers you chocolate, which Idoubt . If he calls the servantand tells him, "So-and-So, makea pot of chocolate, hey, "then youcan rest easy; but if he says, "Soand-So,make a pot of chocolate,ha," then you'd better pick upyour hat and get away at a run.""What!" his visitor would ask,taken aback. "He wouldn't throwthe pot at me would he? Goodheavens!""My dear chap, he wouldn't go asfar as that.""Well, then?""Chocolate hey means reallygood chocolate; chocolate hameans it will be very watery."'"83

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