diced b Jos e S. Arc a, - non

diced b Jos e S. Arc a, - non

diced b Jos e S. Arc a, - non


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the Philippines where he was commissioned Alcalde mayor of Calamianesfor seven months beginning on 27 December 1854; Deputy Governor ofCavite for one year and five months beginning on 8 October 1855; Alcaldemayor of Camarines for another year; pennanent Deputy Governor ofCalamianes for eleven months beginning in November 1857; DeputyGovenor of Zamboanga by royal appointment for a term of two yearsbeginning on 24 October 1858; Alcalde mayor of Bataan for two years andthree months beginning on 29 October 1860; Alcalde mayor of Pangasinanfor three years. He was for nine months Counsel of the "seccion contencioso"of the Administrative Council of the Philippines, retiring in 1869 whenreforms were introduced. Finally, from 22 March 1869 to January 1871, heserved as interim Auditor of the Philippine Naval Station.—"Hoja deservicios," Manila el 28 de Febrero: AHN, "Ultramar," 1400, 18.Izquierdo received an a<strong>non</strong>ymous' paper titled "Preguntas quepueden hacerse al Director de Fondos Locales y a los senores Valdenebro yClemente," written in the hand of Pedro Gutierrez Salazar, the author ofProscripciones de Sila, in which Asensi is assailed in this manner: "Is it truethat Don Manuel Asensi was allowed to practice law in Manila while at thesame time being the ad interim Auditor of the Marine at an extremely highsalary? Is it true he was living with the Honorable Regent Trivifio? That he isthe latter's son:In-law? That the law forbids the practice of law by such closerelatives as Triviflo and Asensi in an area where one of them is a magistrate?""Coleccion Bauer," ms. 6127, document 509 in the library of the RealAcademia de la Historia de Madrid.7. 'Los insurrectos en ntimero de 200 del BatallOn de Artilleria y lasfuerzas de Marina y del Arsenal son duenos de la fuerza y de mucha parte delArsenal" in John N. Schumacher and Nicholas P. Cushner. "DocumentsRelating to Father <strong>Jos</strong>e Burgos and the Cavite Mutiny of 1872," PhilippineStudies, XVII, 500-510; "Algunos individous del Batallon de Infanteria deMarina que ocupaba el Arsenal de Cavite, unidos al pequetio destacamentode Artilleria que guarnecia la Fuerza de San Felipe y agregdndosele algunamarineria que en total llegaba esaisamente a 200 hombres," Gaceta deManila, 23 Enero 1872; also, my "La Huelga del Arsenal de Cavite en 1872,"Anuario de Estudios Americans, XXXV, 285-288.8. <strong>Jos</strong>e Montero y Vidal, Historia de Filipinas, III, 578; Louis LaRavoire Morrow and Norberto Romualdez, A Short History of the FilipinoPeople (Manila, 1936) 286; Antonio M. Molina, Historia de Filipinas(Madrid, 1984), I, 250.268

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