Flora Medica

Flora Medica

Flora Medica


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229. C. Inophyllum Linn. sp. pi 732. DC. i.prodr. 562.W. and A. i. 103. (Rheede. iv. t. 38. Rum}, ii. t. 71.)East Indies.Branches terete. Leaves elliptical or obovate, obtuse or retuse.Racemes longer than the leaves, lax, from the axils of the upper leaves,or in a terminal panicle. Sepals and petals 4. Drupe spherical, large.W. and A. Seeds yield an oil. Resin of the roots supposed by someauthors to be the same as the Tacamahaca of the Isle of Bourbon.230. C. Calaba Linn. sp. pi 732. Burm. ind. 120.C. apetalum Willd. C. spurium Choisy W. and A. i. 103.Rheede iv. t. 39. t.Burm.fi. zeyl. 60. Travancore.Young branches square, Leaves cuneate obovate, obtuse or emarginate.Racemes lax, about as long as the leaves, axillary near theends of the branches. Sepals and petals 2. Drupe oblong, small.W. and A. Produces the true East India Tacamahaca.? CANELLE^].Nat. syst. ed. 2. p. 75.CANELLA.Sepals 5. Petals 5, somewhat coriaceous, glaucous twistedin aestivation. Stamens combined in a tube ;anthers 15,resembling furrows. Stigmas 3. Berry 3-celled, or by abortionsometimes 1 -celled ;cells 1-2-seeded. Embryo surrounded byfleshy albumen, curved, with linear cotyledons.23 1. C. alba Murr. syst. 443. Browne Jam. 215. t. 37. f. 3.Swartz act. linn. lond. i. 96. t. 8. S. and C. ii. t. 66. Woodv.t. 117. N.andE. iii. 327. plant, med. t. 418. WinteranaCanella Linn. sp. pi. 636. Woods, mountains and rocky hillsin the West Indies, and main land of America. (Wild Cinnamon.)Tree from 40 to 50 feet high. Inner bark thick, smooth, pale, witha biting aromatic taste, something like cloves, dry and crumbling betweenthe teeth. Leaves scattered, shining, yellowish green, obovate, cuneateat base, dotted when young, opaque when old. Flowers small, clustered,purple ; petals concave, erect, thick, deciduous. Berry the sizeof a pea, fleshy, smooth, blue or black, hot and biting while green.Seeds generally 2. All parts of the tree when fresh are hot aromaticand pungent. Bark yields by distillation a warm aromatic oil reckonedcarminative and stomachic. It is often mixed with oil of cloves, in theWest Indies. In this country it is principally employed as an aromaticaddition either to tonics or purgatives in debilitated conditions of thedigestive organs. Canella bark has also been employed in scurvy.Pereira.116

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