Flora Medica

Flora Medica

Flora Medica


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APOCYNACEJE.HASSELTIA.Calyx 5-parted, permanent. Corolla with the tube contractedin the middle ;the throat naked ; the limb campanulate, 5-parted,contorted. Stamens inserted in the throat ;anthers large, cuspidate,callous at the back, adhering to the stigma. Ovarydouble, surrounded by a fleshy ring ; styles 2 ;stigma clavate.Follicles 2, distinct, long. Seeds with a stipitate coma at thelower end. Blume.11 34-. H. arborea Blume By dr. 1046. Java, near Tjampiam,in the province of Buitenzorg.A handsome tree. Leaves oval, rather acute at each end, smoothabove, paler and a little downy on the under side. Flowers large,yellowish white, in axillary fascicles. Blume. In Java the milk,obtained from the trunk by incision, mixed with honey, and reducedwith boiling water, is employed as a powerful drastic, for destroyingthe tape worm ; it is however apt to produce inflammation of the intestines,and is even in some cases fatal.VAHEA.Calyx very small, with 5 segments. Corolla funnel-shaped,with a long tube, ventricose at the base ; limb 5-cleft, withcontorted segments. Style subulate ;stigma bicuspidate in anorbicular fleshy disk.1135. V. gummifera Poir. enc. metk. suppl. v. 409. Mada-Branches smooth, round. Leaves moderately stalked, coriaceous,ovate-elliptical, obtuse, shining, about 2 inches long. Flowers smooth,pale yellow, in terminal cymes. Segments of calyx acute. Tube ofcorolla about an inch long, with linear rather blunt segments. YieldsCaoutchouc in Madagascar.URCEOLA.Calyx 5-toothed. Corolla urceolate, ovate, 5- toothed. Anthers5, sagittate, with a villous connective ; filaments insertedinto the base of the corolla. Disk campanulate, surroundingthe ovary. Ovary double ;stigma ovate, banded round themiddle. Follicles 2, round, leathery, wrinkled, compressed,2-valved. Seeds reniform, immersed in fleshy pulp.1136. U. elastica Roxb. in As. res, \. 169. Sumatra andPulo Pinang.A large woody climber, running over trees to a great extent. Youngshoots a little hairy. Leaves short-stalked, ovate-oblong, pointed, alittle scabrous, with a few scattered white hairs on the under side.Panicles terminal, brachiate, much branched. Flowers minute, dullgreen, hairy. This plant yields a very fine kind of Caoutchouc, firm,536

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