Flora Medica

Flora Medica

Flora Medica


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486. C. alpinusMill. diet. No. 2, the Scotch Laburnum ofgardens, perhaps a variety of the last, has no doubt similar properties.487. C. scoparius Link enum. ii. 241. ii.DC.prodr. 154.Spartium scoparium Linn. sp. pi. 996. y?. dan. t. 313. Eng.Bot. t. 1339. Fl. Lond. v. t. 52. Woodv. t. 89. S. and C.ii. t. 67. Genista scoparia Lam. diet. ii. 623. Common in drysandy thickets, hedges, and fields.(Common Broom.)A large bushy shrub, with copious, long, straight, angular, dark-green,smooth, tough branches. Leaves deciduous, scattered, stalked, ternate ;the upper ones generally simple'; leaflets uniform, obovate, obtuse,entire j silky when young. Fl. axillary, solitary, or in pairs, on simplestalks, longer than the leaves, large and handsome, of a deep goldenyellow ;sometimes tinged with orange ;more rarely of a uniform palelemon-colour. The swelling ovary soon splits the tube of the filaments.Legume brown, flat, above an inch long, nearly smooth at thesides, but fringed with harsh hairs at each margin. Seeds about 15 or16. Smith. Decoction of the young tops diuretic and cathartic ; seedssaid to be emetic. Mead and Cullen found them useful in dropsy.ANTHYLLIS.Calyx tubular, 5- toothed, permanent after flowering, moreor less bladdery and inflated. Wings and keel of the corollaabout the same length as the vexillum ;stamens monadelphous.Legume ovate, 1 2-seeded, rarely oblong-linear, and manyseeded,always covered by the permanent calyx. DC.488. A. Hermanniae Linn. sp. pi. 1014. Sot. mag.t. 2576.DC. prodr.ii. 169. Aspalathus creticus Linn. sp. 1002.Spartium spinosum Alp. exot. t. 26. Cytisus graecus Linn. sp.1043. Syria, Candia, and other Mediterranean islands.A much branched spiny smooth shrub. Leaves subsessile, simpleand trifoliate ; leaflets oblong cuneate smooth or with close-pressedhairs. Heads few-flowered, nearly sessile in the upper axils. Flowerssmall, yellow. Roots diuretic.489. A. vulneraria Linn. sp. 1012. has had a great reputationas one of the best of styptics.TRIGONELLA.Calyx campanulate, 5-cleft. Vexillum and ala? nearly equal,spreading in the form of a 3-petalous corolla keel : very small,spreading. Stamens diadelphous (9 and 1). Legume continuous,oblong, compressed or cylindrical, acuminated, manyseeded.Herbaceous plants, with a heavy penetrating odour.Leaves trifoliolate, the terminal leaflet stalked. W. and A.239

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