Flora Medica

Flora Medica

Flora Medica


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SMILACEJE.China roots. The juice of the fresh tuber is taken inwardly for thecure of rheumatic pains, and the refuse after extracting the juice is laidover the parts most painful.1278. S. Pseudo-China Linn. sp. pi. 14-61. WilU. sp. pi.iv. 785. Elliott Sketch, ii. 700. S. Sarsaparilla Walt, carol.245. (Sloane 1. 1 43. f. 1 Pluk. . almag. 1. 1 10. f. 5.) SouthernStates of the American Union, in almost all soils ;frequently indry sandy situations ;Jamaica.Rhizoma tuberous,, creeping, knotty. Stem unarmed, climbingover small shrubs. Leaves unarmed, those of the stem cordate, of thebranches ovate-oblong, 5-nerved, half-evergreen. Peduncles very long.American China root is reported to belong to this plant ;but it isvery doubtful whether this ever comes into the drug market ;severalspecies seem to be mixed together by Botanists under this name.Elliot says that he believes this to be the one generally preferred inmedicine as an alterative, and that it forms the basis of many dietdrinks among the " unlicensed faculty." From the tubers, with maize,sassafras and molasses the negroes of Carolina manufacture " a verypleasant" beer.1279. S. glycyphylla Smith in Whites Voyage 230. RBr.prodr. 149. New Holland, in the colony of Port Jackson.Stems unarmed, round. Leaves oblong, lanceolate, acute, 3-nerved,smooth, recurved a little at the edges, glaucous underneath. Petiolesbearing tendrils. RBr. Fee says the leaves of this have been introducedinto practice under the name of Sweet Tea. The infusion issweet at first, and bitter afterwards ; it is tonic and antiscorbutic.600

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