Flora Medica

Flora Medica

Flora Medica


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PHYLLANTHUS.bruised herbage and seed a specific against diabetes, according to Martius;who says it is called Erva Pombinha in Brazil.354. P. urinaria Linn. sp. pi. 1393. Roxb.fi.ind. iii. 660.Herba maeroris rubra Humph, vi. t. 17 f. 1. Tsjeru KirganeliRheede x. t. 16. Common in India, growing under the shadeof trees.Young plants of a deep dull dark red colour. Leaflets linear-oblong.Flowers all sessile. Capsule scabrous, 3-celled, 6-valved. Otherwiselike P. Niruri. A powerful diuretic.355. P. simplex Retz. obs. v. 29. Roxb.fi. ind. iii. 654Dry cultivated ground in the East Indies.Root frequently perennial. Stem somewhat woody. Branchesnumerous, diverging from the base of the little stem, spreading closelyto the earth, with their apices ascending, many times longer than thestem, striated from the insertions of the leaves, which gives them acompressed appearance. Leaves simple, alternate, spreading, bifarious,sessile, linear-lanceolate, smooth, entire; about f inch long, and jbroad. Stipules 2, obliquely cordate, withering. Flowers, male andfemale mixed, axillary, generally from 1 to 3 of each. Females longstalked.Males nearly sessile. Three distinct filaments united at the base.Disk of the female with 12 notches. Fresh leaves, flowers and fruitmixed with equal parts of cumin seeds and sugar and made into anelectuary are administered by the natives of India, in doses of a teaspoonfula day in cases of gonorrhoea. Fresh leaves bruised and mixedwith buttermilk make a wash to cure the itch in children. Roxb.356. P. virosus Willd. sp.pl. iv.578. Roxb.fi. ind. iii. 659Forests and mountains of India.Trunk erect. Branches numerous, ascending ; branchlets bifarious.Leaves simple, alternate, bifarious, short-petioled, oval, entire, smooth,1-2 inches long, and from ^ to 1 inch broad. Stipules minute.Flowers very small, dioecious, axillary, crowded, short-stalked, when inflower erect. .Calyx 5-leaved ; sepals oblong, concave. Disk 5yellow glands surrounding the base of the style and alternating with 5,spreading filaments. Pistil a style-like column with a stellate top..Calyx as in the male. Disk a 5-sided ring surrounding thebase of the ovary. Styles 3. Stigma 2-cleft. Berry the size of a pea,covered with a white, fleshy pulp, 3-celled. Seeds 2 in each cell.Bark a strong astringent, intoxicating fish when thrown into water.CLUYTIA.Flowers dioecious. Calyx 5-parted. Petals 5. $ . Stamens 5,united into the stalk of an abortive pistil. $ . Styles 3, bifid.Capsule 3-celled, 3-seeded. A. de J.357. C. collina Roxb. corom. ii. 36. t. ind. iii.\6Q.fi. 733.Hilly parts of the Circars of India.Leaves alternate, short-stalked, bifarious, the smaller ones orbicular,the larger obovate, entire, smooth, shining. Stipules small, acute,hairy, deciduous. Flowers short-stalked, middle sized, green, monoecious,intermingled or separate, or dioecious, axillary. Bracts several,177 N

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