Flora Medica

Flora Medica

Flora Medica


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MELIACE2E.The fruit used by the Arabs as an emetic under the name of Djouzelkai. Ripe seeds formed with Sesamum oil into a salve against the itch.299. T. trifoliolata Linn. sp. pi. 551. Jacq.amer. 129. t. 82.A. de Juss. Meliac. p.84-.Dry grassy places in Curaao.A small tree, or rather large bush, with a slight unpleasant odour.Leaves ternate, shining, on a stalk about an inch long ; leaflets obovate,wedge-shaped at the base, entire, obtuse, the middle one the largest.Racemes axillary, very short. Flowers small. Calyx campanulate,5-toothed. Petals whitish, erect. Capsules green, with grey spots ;seeds solitary, with a scarlet aril. The female slaves in Cura9ao use adecoction of the roots to procure abortion ;the Dutch call the treeKerseboom, the Spaniards Ceraso mac/to.GUAREA.Calyx short, 4-toothed. Petals 4, distinct. Filaments 8,united into a prismatical cylindrical tube, having 8 anthers belowits apex inside. Ovary on a disk, sometimes like a stalk, 4 celled,with 1-2 ovules in each cell ;stigma discoidal. Capsule smooth,ribbed or warted, loculicidal, 4-valved, with 1-2 seeds in eachcell. Trees or shrubs, with pinnated leaves and axillarypanicles.300. G. trichilioides Cav. diss. 366. t. 210. A. de J. Meliac.88. Melia Guar&Jacq. amer. 126. t. 176. f. 37 Mountainouswoods of Cuba.A small tree. Leaves pinnate, alternate, shining, 1 foot long; leaflets7-14, oblong, obtuse, attenuated at the point, quite entire. Racemeslax, 6 inches long. Flowers scentless, on very short stalks. Petalsgreenish white. Tube of the stamens white. Fruit the size of ahazel nut. Juice of the bark purgative and violently emetic.301. Guarea Aubletii A. de J. (Trichilia Guara of AuMet)is very nearly related to the last, and perhaps not really distinct.Its bark is a violent emetic and purgative;a decoction of it issaid to produce similar effects, but in a milder manner.XYLOCARPUS.Calyx urceolate, 4-cleft. Petals 4, distinct, reflexed. Stamen-tubeurceolate, 8-cleft at the apex, the segments acute,bipartite : anthers 8, included, erect, opposite to the segments.Ovary seated on a disk broader than itself and concave, 4 furrowed,4-celled ;cells 1-5 ovuled. Style short, with a broadconcave discoid stigma. Fruit (large) spherical, 6-12-seeded :pericarp splitting into 4 valves opposite to the dissepiments ;the dissepiments attenuated into membranes, and nearly obliterated.Seeds inserted on the remains of the central axis,ascending, angled, with a spongy integument. Cotyledons verythick, combined : radicles short, dorsal. Trees. Leaves abruptly152

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