Flora Medica

Flora Medica

Flora Medica


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of powder it is a powerful emetic.CINCHONACKJE.is employed to nauseate in bowel complaints.An infusion of the bark of the rootGARDENIA.Calyx usually ribbed, with a tubular truncate limb, dividedinto several lobes or teeth. Corolla funnel-shaped or approachingsalver-shaped, with a tube much larger than the calyx and acontorted spreading 5-9-parted limb. Anthers 5-9, linear, sessilein the throat. Stigma clavate, bifid or 2-toothed, withthick erect lobes.Dissepiments of the ovary 2-5, incompletelydividing it into cells. Berry fleshy, crowned with the calyx,with a papery or bony lining, incompletely 2-5-celled. Seedsimmersed in fleshy parietal placentae. Trees or shrubs, armedor unarmed. Flowers axillaryor terminal, usually solitary,white and fragrant.865. G. campanulata Roxb.fi. ind. i. 710. DC.prodr.iv. 383.Forests of Chittagong.Trunk straight, but short, soon dividing and subdividing into numerousstiff, erect, and spreading branches. Bark of the old partsbrownish-green, and pretty smooth ;that of the tender parts lightercoloured ; height of the s'hrub in 5 years, from 5 to 10 feet. Thornssingle, short, strong, and sharp, generally terminating the little, lateral,opposite opposite, short-petioled, branchlets. Leaves broadlanceolate,tapering most towards the base, entire, and smooth on bothsides, from 2 to 5 inches long, and from 1 to 2 broad. Stipules triangular,acute. Flowers small, of a pale yellowish-white, shortpeduncled,crowded on the extremities of short, rigid, lateral, spinousbranchlets. Calyx cylindrical, 5-toothed. Corolla with a 5-sided,campanulate tube, and a border of 5 obliquely ovate segments. Anthers5, sessile in the bell of the corolla. Ovary 1 -celled, containingnumerous ovules attached to generally 5 parietal receptacles. Styleshort. Stigma somewhat 5-grooved, and situated deep in the tube.Berry round-ovate, the size of a golden pippin, smooth, depressed, andslightly 5-furrowed at the apex and base; 1 -celled; the exterior tunicthick, fleshy, yellowish, with slender, hard, longitudinal fibres interspersed,the inner tunic thin and firm, but not bony, the edges of whichturn inwards in 5 lines, forming 5 parietal placentae. Seeds minute,nidulant in a little yellow pulp. The fruit isemployed by the nativesof India as a cathartic and anthelmintic. Roxb.Tribe III.HEDYOTIDE.E.Fruit capsular, 2-celled, with a loculicidal dehiscence, or mem.branous and indehiscent ; cells many-seeded. Seeds not winged.Albumen fieshy. Shrubs or herbaceous plants. Leaves opposite.Stipules interpetiolar.CONDAMINEA.Calyx campanulate, 5-crenate or 5-toothed ;limb deciduous.Corolla funnel-shaped, with a somewhat curved tube, which is a434

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